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TGT (2013)

TGT (2013)


Q.1) How many parts are there in the prelude?

[1] Twelve

[2] Thirteen

[3] Fourteen

[4] Eleven

Answer: Fourteen

Q.2) Who is known as the fourth witch in Shakespeare’s women characters?

[1] Lady Macbeth

[2] Gertrude

[3] Cordelia

[4] Desdemona

Answer: Lady Macbeth

Q.3) Which of the following sentence is in passive voice?

[1] Always reach the school at time.

[2] Please bring me a glass of water.

[3] Let him read a book

[4] Let the salary be given to these clerks

Answer: Let the salary be given to these clerks

Q.4) Who is the writer of ‘Recluse’?

[1] Shakespeare

[2] Milton

[3] Galsworthy

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Wordsworth

Q.5) Who revised King Lear so that Cordelia could marry edger at the end?

[1] Nahum Tate

[2] Johnson

[3] Richard Bentley

[4] Rymer

Answer: Nahum Tate

Q.6) Choose the correct verb. This paper…….twice weekly.

[1] Is appearing

[2] Appearing

[3] Appears

[4] Have had appeared

Answer: Appears

Q.7) Which of the following flowers does the mad Ophelia not give away?

[1] Violets

[2] Pansies

[3] Rosemary

[4] Columbines

Answer: Violets

Q.8) Transform the following sentence into exclamatory sentence?

[1] What an unhappy life he leads!

[2] What an unhappily life he leads!

[3] What an unhappy life he was leading!

[4] Why he leads a most unhappy life?

Answer: What an unhappy life he leads!

Q.9) Who wrote, ‘lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds?

[1] Wordsworth

[2] Milton

[3] Galsworthy

[4] Shakespeare

Answer: Shakespeare

Q.10) Complete the sentence. ‘Aesthetic’ means….

[1] Sorrow

[2] Despair

[3] Beauty

[4] Pleasure

Answer: Beauty

Q.11) Complete the sentence. The reversal of fortune of a tragic hero is called…

[1] Catharsis

[2] Peripeteia

[3] Epistle

[4] Poesis

Answer: Peripeteia

Q.12) In which year, The prelude was published?

[1] 1805

[2] 1850

[3] 1855

[4] 1837

Answer: 1850

Q.13) Complete the sentence. Epiphany means…….

[1] Manifestation of god’s presence

[2] Manifestation of Satan’s presence

[3] Fanciful world

[4] Supernatural power

Answer: Manifestation of god’s presence

Q.14) Rearrange the sentence with correct order labeled as PQRS. Choose the proper sequence.

(P) only time will tell (Q) you credit the nation with ® whether the great future (S) will turn out to be true

[1] PQRS

[2] PRQS

[3] QRSP

[4] RSQP

Answer: PRQS

Q.15) In which he Shakespearean play does the following occur?

‘The bright day is done and we are for the dark.’

[1] Antony and Cleopatra

[2] Hamlet

[3] King Lear

[4] Measure for measure

Answer: Antony and Cleopatra

Q.16) In which year, Galsworthy refused the offer of a knighthood?

[1] 1917

[2] 1918

[3] 1919

[4] 1920

Answer: 1918

Q.17) What does the idiom, ‘smell a rat’ means?

[1] To talk boastfully

[2] To talk unfairly

[3] To discourage

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.18) Complete the sentence. Shakespeare has written……. historical plays.

[1] 4

[2] 6

[3] 7

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.19) What is ‘Euphony’?

[1] Pleasant sound

[2] Serious sound

[3] Bitter sound

[4] Mixed sound

Answer: Pleasant sound

Q.20) Complete the sentence. Milton became blind at the age of………..

[1] 46

[2] 47

[3] 44

[4] 48

Answer: 44

Q.21) When was john Galsworthy awarded the Nobel prize for literature?

[1] 1927

[2] 1929

[3] 1932

[4] 1935

Answer: 1932

Q.22) “Take, O take those lips away,” The above line occurs in…….

[1] Midsummer night’s dream

[2] Twelfth night

[3] Antony and Cleopatra

[4] Measure for measure

Answer: Measure for measure

Q.23) What kind of work is Samson agonistes?

[1] Verse-play

[2] Epic

[3] Lyrical drama

[4] Short story

Answer: Verse-play

Q.24) Find out which part of sentence has an error.

[1] The two students walked

[2] Besides each other

[3] In silence

[4] No error

Answer: Besides each other

Q.25) Find out which part of sentence has an error.

[1] Even though the shirt is rather expensive

[2] But I wish to

[3] Purchase it with my own money

[4] No error

Answer: But I wish to

Q.26) Fill in the gap. I will sit……… desk to do my lesson.

[1] At

[2] With

[3] For

[4] In

Answer: At

Q.27) Change the direct sentence into indirect. Mohan said, “Alas! I am undone.”

[1] Mohan exclaimed sadly that he was undone.

[2] Mohan exclaimed that he was undone.

[3] Mohan exclaimed that he was not done.

[4] Mohan exclaimed that he is undone.

Answer: Mohan exclaimed sadly that he was undone

Q.28) Who is hamlet’s beloved in hamlet?

[1] Olivia

[2] Portia

[3] Ophelia

[4] Cordelia

Answer: Ophelia

Q.29) Complete the sentence. The globe theatre was burned down in………

[1] 1617

[2] 1619

[3] 1613

[4] 1609

Answer: 1613

Q.30) What is ‘Baroque’?

[1] Jail

[2] Style

[3] Culture

[4] Book

Answer: Style

Q.31) People have tried their best to provoke the flood victims. Find out the correct antonym of the italicised word.

[1] Gratify

[2] Convince

[3] Pacify

[4] Attract

Answer: Pacify

Q.32) Who invented and popularised the phrase, ‘poetic justice’?

[1] Dryden

[2] Johnson

[3] Rymer

[4] Shakespeare

Answer: Rymer

Q.33) Complete the sentence. Milton’s Areopagitica concerns with…….

[1] Liberty of human rights

[2] Liberty of press

[3] Freedom of humanity

[4] Freedom of politics

Answer: Liberty of press

Q.34) What is soliloquy?

[1] An actor’s secret thought uttered aloud

[2] Secrete speech

[3] An actor’s speech not to be heard by audience

[4] An actor’s speech meant for other characters also

Answer: An actor’s secret thought uttered aloud

Q.35) When was the first complete collection of Shakespeare’s plays, known as the first folio, published?

[1] 1623

[2] 1613

[3] 1616

[4] 1632

Answer: 1623

Q.36) What could be the ‘tragic flaw’ in hamlet?

[1] Nobel

[2] Oedipus complex

[3] Vaulting ambition

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.37) In which play, Shakespeare has presented ‘a royal criminal’?

[1] King Lear

[2] Henry IV

[3] Richard III

[4] Henry VIII

Answer: Richard III

Q.38) In which play of Shakespeare does Adam appear?

[1] Merry wives of Windsor

[2] As you like it

[3] Twelfth night

[4] Tempest

Answer: As you like it

Q.39) Who asked, ‘how many children had lady Macbeth’?

[1] L.C. Knights

[2] A.C. Bradley

[3] Rymer

[4] Wilson

Answer: L.C. Knights

Q.40) Who considered romanticism, “liberalism in literature”?

[1] Wordsworth

[2] Plato

[3] Pater

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.41) Find out the mistake in the sentence given below.

[1] The driver was put

[2] In the prison

[3] For exceeding

[4] The speed limit

Answer: In the prison

Q.42) How many sonnets are addressed to ‘W.H. ‘by Shakespeare?

[1] 125

[2] 124

[3] 122

[4] 126

Answer: 126

Q.43) Who is the writer of descriptive sketches?

[1] John Milton

[2] Shakespeare

[3] Galsworthy

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Wordsworth

Q.44) Fill in the gap with an appropriate conjunction.

…… wish it, it shall be done.

[1] Since

[2] Having

[3] For

[4] With

Answer: Since

Q.45) In which year, Milton’s Lycidas was written?

[1] 1638

[2] 1632

[3] 1637

[4] 1636

Answer: 1637

Q.46) Complete the sentence. Ottava Rima is a………stanza in limbic pentameters.

[1] Four-lined

[2] Six-lined

[3] Eight-lined

[4] Ten-lined

Answer: Eight-lined

Q.47) Complete the sentence. Galsworthy’s play strife deals with the subject of

[1] Labour disputes

[2] Justice

[3] Wars

[4] Class distinction

Answer: Labour disputes

Q.48) “Come, thou mortal wretch, with thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsic ate” In which book do the above lines occur?

[1] Cleopatra

[2] Twelfth night

[3] Hamlet

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.49) Choose the correct option. ‘One impulse from a vernal wood’ The above line has been quoted from

[1] The tables turned

[2] Tintern abbey

[3] The world is too much with us

[4] Ode to duty

Answer: The tables turned

Q.50) Change the sentence into passive voice. Do you not understand my meaning.?

[1] I am not understand your meaning,

[2] I do not understand meaning.

[3] Is your meaning understood?

[4] Is my meaning understood?

Answer: Is my meaning understood?

Q.51) Find out the correct spelling of word.

[1] Elixir

[2] Elesser

[3] Eleseir

[4] Elixer

Answer: Elixir

Q.52) Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition. She is ignorant…………. what she pretends to

[1] In

[2] Of

[3] With

[4] For

Answer: Of

Q.53) Find out the mis-spelt word.

[1] Disparage

[2] Licentious

[3] Malleable

[4] Dilemma

Answer: Dilemma

Q.54) Complete the sentence. The term ‘Novel’ was taken from the Italian word.

[1] Novella

[2] Novelle

[3] Novelette

[4] Noval

Answer: Novella

Q.55) Choose the correct meaning of the given word. Craven

[1] Dishonest

[2] Cowardly

[3] Dark

[4] Slavish

Answer: Cowardly

Q.56) Pick out the correct antonym among the following words. Extreme poverty had reduced them to a state of apathy.

[1] Cooperation

[2] Friendship

[3] Inspiration

[4] Enthusiasm

Answer: Enthusiasm

Q.57) Complete the sentence. The island Pharisees has been written by……….

[1] Wordsworth

[2] Galsworthy

[3] Milton

[4] Shakespeare

Answer: Galsworthy

Q.58) Complete the sentence.

The error of judgement in tragedy is known as……

[1] Hamartia

[2] Tragedy of blood

[3] Catastrophe

[4] Catharsis

Answer: Hamartia

Q.59) A lyric is…………Find out the correct option.

[1] A long poem written in the form of an address.

[2] A poem written in praise of god.

[3] A short poem in which the poet expresses his/her intense personal feelings

[4] A Triumphal song.

Answer: A short poem in which the poet expresses his/her intense personal feelings

Q.60) Select the correct option. There was………

[1] A fly in milk

[2] Fly in the milk

[3] Fly in milk

[4] A fly in the milk

Answer: A fly in the milk

Q.61) Fill in the gap. Galsworthy’s famous play, The silver box deals with……….

[1] The inequality of power

[2] The inequality of justice

[3] The inequality of labour

[4] The inequality of money division

Answer: The inequality of justice

Q.62) Fill in the gap. The title of the play, justice is………

[1] Satirical

[2] Vague

[3] Inappropriate

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.63) Who has written ‘Hamlet and his problems’?

[1] Shelley

[2] Eliot

[3] Shakespeare

[4] Bacon

Answer: Eliot

Q.64) Complete the sentence. Simplicity, sweet music and melody are remarkable features of

[1] Epic

[2] Ballad

[3] Ode

[4] Satire

Answer: Ballad

Q.65) Fill in the blank with correct option given below. His wish is tantamount………a command.

[1] With

[2] Of

[3] To

[4] For

Answer: To

Q.66) In which year was justice published?

[1] 1905

[2] 1908

[3] 1912

[4] 1910

Answer: 1910

Q.67) Transform the following exclamatory sentence into assertion.
If only I had come on hour earlier!

[1] I wish I come one hour earlier.

[2] I wish I have come one hour earlier.

[3] I wish I had come one hour earlier.

[4] I wish I could come one hour earlier.

Answer: I wish I had come one hour earlier

Q.68) Complete the sentence. Justice shows problems of

[1] British society

[2] English legal system

[3] American legal system

[4] Scottish society

Answer: English legal system

Q.69) Fill in the gap with an appropriate word. I am badly in need………….money.

[1] With

[2] Of

[3] For

[4] On

Answer: Of

Q.70) What is the meaning of ‘plagiarism’?

[1] Poetic bankruptcy

[2] Literary theft

[3] Writing crisis

[4] Reading problem

Answer: Literary theft

Q.71) Who has written ‘ruth’?

[1] Milton

[2] Shakespeare

[3] Galsworthy

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Wordsworth

Q.72) Fill in the gap………. King Lear had……….daughters

[1] Two

[2] Three

[3] Four

[4] Five

Answer: Three

Q.73) Correct the following sentence. It was bitter cold.

[1] It was cold bitterly.

[2] It was awful coldly.

[3] It was cold bitter.

[4] It was bitterly cold.

Answer: It was bitterly cold

Q.74) Who has written Cymbeline?

[1] Milton

[2] Wordsworth

[3] Shakespeare

[4] Galsworthy

Answer: Shakespeare

Q.75) Find out the correct option. A sonnet consists

[1] 14lines

[2] 18lines

[3] 20lines

[4] 12lines

Answer: 14lines

Q.76) Pick out the correct spelling of the word among the following words.

[1] Platetude

[2] Pllatitude

[3] Pllattitude

[4] Platitude

Answer: Platitude

Q.77) Complete the sentence. Comus is….

[1] A masque

[2] A pastoral allegory

[3] Poetic line

[4] A farce

Answer: A masque

Q.78) ‘Others abide out question, thou art free.’

Who has said this about Shakespeare?

[1] Wordsworth

[2] Milton

[3] Matthew Arnold

[4] Ben Jonson

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.79) How many sonnets are addressed to ‘Dark lady’ by Shakespeare?

[1] 27

[2] 28

[3] 29

[4] 26

Answer: 26

Q.80) In which year, Milton’s paradise lost was published?

[1] 1668

[2] 1670

[3] 1667

[4] 1665

Answer: 1667

Q.81) Find out the mistake in the sentence given below.

[1] She has told me

[2] That she saw my uncle

[3] At the fare

[4] On last Friday

Answer: On last Friday

Q.82) Wordsworth has expressed his views on transmigration of the soul in his poem

[1] The prelude

[2] Ode to duty

[3] Ecclesiastical sketches

[4] Ode on the intimations of immortality

Answer: Ode on the intimations of immortality

Q.83) What is true of the form of Shakespeare’s sonnet?

[1] It has an octave

[2] It has an integrated form with no such divisions

[3] It has three quatrains and a couplet

[4] It has the endings of alternate lines rhyming with each other

Answer: It has three quatrains and a couplet

Q.84) In which Shakespearean play does curan appear?

[1] Macbeth

[2] Othello

[3] King Lear

[4] Hamlet

Answer: King Lear

Q.85) What is the full name of Mr. W.H. in Shakespeare’s sonnets?

[1] William Herbert

[2] William henry

[3] William Hartley

[4] William harry

Answer: William Herbert

Q.86) What is ‘Aside’?

[1] Addressed in words that the other actors are not supposed to hear.

[2] Addressed in words that the other actors are supposed to hear.

[3] Looking behind when one speaks

[4] Not paying attention.

Answer: Addressed in words that the other actors are not supposed to hear

Q.87) Who has written peter bell among the following?

[1] William Wordsworth

[2] Shakespeare

[3] John Galsworthy

[4] John Milton

Answer: William Wordsworth

Q.88) Find out the correct proverb.

[1] Diamond cuts iron

[2] Diamond cuts gold

[3] Diamond cuts silver

[4] Diamond cuts diamond

Answer: Diamond cuts diamond

Q.89) Elsinore in Denmark is the scene of a Shakespeare play. Which?

[1] King Lear

[2] Coriolanus

[3] Hamlet

[4] Titus Andronicus

Answer: Hamlet

Q.90) In which country is the story of Othello set?

[1] Venice

[2] Denmark

[3] England

[4] Scotland

Answer: Venice

Q.91) What is meaning of the phrase, “To count upon’?

[1] To be grateful

[2] To relax

[3] To clean a thing

[4] To depend upon

Answer: To depend upon

Q.92) Choose the name of the roman general who conquered England in 43 B.C.?

[1] Julius Caesar

[2] Claudius

[3] Antony

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.93) Who wrote metafiction?

[1] Roland Barthes

[2] Derrida

[3] Patricia Waugh

[4] Spivak

Answer: Patricia Waugh

Q.94) Fill in the gap. The public are cautioned…. pickpockets.

[1] To

[2] For

[3] With

[4] Against

Answer: Against

Q.95) Change the voice.
Why did he defraud you of your earnings?

[1] Why were you defrauded to your earnings by him?

[2] Why was he defrauded to his earnings?

[3] Why did he defraud you for his earnings?

[4] Why were you defrauded of your earnings by him?

Answer: Why were you defrauded of your earnings by him?

Q.96) Who is the writer of history of Britain?

[1] William Shakespeare

[2] John Milton

[3] William Wordsworth

[4] John Galsworthy

Answer: John Milton

Q.97) Complete the sentence with correct options given below.
She gave him……he wanted

[1] What

[2] That

[3] That which

[4] That what

Answer: What

Q.98) Complete the sentence. Milton’s poetic style is generally regarded as……

[1] Plain

[2] Classical

[3] Grand

[4] Ornamental

Answer: Grand

Q.99) Where was Wordsworth born?

[1] Cockerpate

[2] Cockermouth

[3] Cocker hill

[4] Cockervalley

Answer: Cockermouth

Q.100) Who has written, Jocelyn among the following writers?

[1] Milton

[2] Shakespeare

[3] Galsworthy

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Galsworthy

Q.101) Complete the sentence with correct option. ‘Frailty, thy name is woman’ ; this remark is made by

[1] Macbeth

[2] King Lear

[3] Othello

[4] Hamlet

Answer: Hamlet

Q.102) Complete the sentence. Dirge means………

[1] A song of wedding

[2] A song of pleasure

[3] A song of grief

[4] A song of unfulfilled desire

Answer: A song of grief

Q.103) Who is Harold cleaver in Galsworthy’s justice?

[1] Government counsel

[2] Defence counsel

[3] Judge

[4] Managing clerk

Answer: Government counsel

Q.104) Milton’s paradise lost consists of……books

[1] Twelve

[2] Ten

[3] Six

[4] Eight

Answer: Twelve

Q.105) Find out the correct sentence.

[1] He was astonished at his success.

[2] He was astonished in his success.

[3] He was astonished on his success.

[4] He was astonished for his success.

Answer: He was astonished at his success

Q.106) Life of Milton has been written by
Choose the right option from the given alternatives.

[1] Samuel Johnson

[2] Ben Jonson

[3] Charles lamb

[4] John Dryden

Answer: Samuel Johnson

Q.107) Put the following in indirect speech. “How smart you are!” she said.

[1] She exclaimed that I am smart.

[2] She exclaimed that he was very smart.

[3] She exclaimed that she is smart

[4] She exclaimed she was smart

Answer: She exclaimed that he was very smart

Q.108) Choose the correct option. ‘Little we see in nature that is ours.’ The above line has been quoted from

[1] Tintern Abbey

[2] The world is too much with us

[3] Ode on intimations of immortality

[4] Lucy gray

Answer: The world is too much with us

Q.109) Change the sentence into passive voice. I saw him opening the box.

[1] He was seen open the box.

[2] He was seen opening the box.

[3] He opened the box.

[4] He was seen opened the box.

Answer: He was seen opening the box

Q.110) Choose the correct alternative. You……. him since his childhood.

[1] Have known

[2] Know

[3] Knew

[4] Am knowing

Answer: Have known

Q.111) Human obligations do not include

[1] Behaving in a disciplined manner

[2] Acquiring knowledge

[3] Thinking clearly

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.112) If one does not observe restraint

[1] People around one will grow hostile.

[2] One’s friends will ignore one

[3] One’s life will be miserable

[4] People will see to it that one behaves responsibly.

Answer: People will see to it that one behaves responsibly

Q.113) When one does not think clearly and objectively

[1] One fails to achieve success

[2] One tends to believe in the wrong things.

[3] One is considered a fool.

[4] One tends to make mistakes in day-to-day life.

Answer: One tends to believe in the wrong things

Q.114) It is one’s duty to resist

[1] All political propaganda

[2] Religious practices

[3] Unsatisfactory plans and programmes

[4] Irrational ideas

Answer: Irrational ideas

Q.115) In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with

[1] Moral conduct

[2] A humane approach to our problems

[3] The scientific point of view

[4] The acquisition of specialized knowledge

Answer: The scientific point of view

Q.116) Name the ‘figure of speech’ in the following line. ‘Boys will be boys’

[1] Epigram

[2] Personification

[3] Metonmy

[4] None of these

Answer: None of these

Q.117) Fill in the gap with an appropriate preposition. Volpone fell a victim……his own greed.

[1] To

[2] Of

[3] About

[4] For

Answer: To

Q.118) Change the following sentence into complex sentence.
He had to sign, or be executed.

[1] If he did not signed, he had not executed.

[2] If he had not signed, he would have been executed.

[3] If he had signed, he would not executed.

[4] If he was signed, he did not executed.

Answer: If he had not signed, he would have been executed

Q.119) What is the synonym of ‘wisdom’?

[1] Swell

[2] Sagacity

[3] Foolishness

[4] Surrender

Answer: Sagacity

Q.120) Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

[1] Are you

[2] Lived alone

[3] Or married

[4] No error

Answer: Lived alone

Q.121) Fill in the gap with an appropriate preposition. They were statesmen accustomed…. the management……great affairs.

[1] Of, to

[2] In, to

[3] To, of

[4] With, in

Answer: To, of

Q.122) Turn the following into indirect speech. “Do you write a good hand?” he said.

[1] He asked whether I wrote a good hand.

[2] He asked whether they wrote a good hand.

[3] He asked whether I written a good hand.

[4] He asked whether I was written a good hand.

Answer: He asked whether I wrote a good hand

Q.123) Find out which part of the sentence has an error.

[1] If I am you

[2] I would have seen to it

[3] That I won the prize

[4] No error

Answer: If I am you

Q.124) Name the figure of speech in the following line. The more haste, the less speed.

[1] Simile

[2] Metaphor

[3] Irony

[4] Epigram

Answer: Epigram

Q.125) Fill in the gap with an appropriate auxiliary. He was so tired that he……scarcely stand.

[1] Could

[2] Did

[3] Should do

[4] Had

Answer: Could

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