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Gujarat Set 5

Gujarat Set 5

A Different History


Great Pan is not dead;

He simply emigrated to India

Here, the gods roam freely,

Disguised as snakes or monkeys;

Every tree is sacred

And it is a sin

To be rude to a book

It is a sin to shove a book aside

With your foot,

A sin to slam books down

Hard on a table

A sin to toss one carelessly across a room

You must learn how to turn the pages gently

Without disturbing Sarasvati

Without offending the tree

From whose wood the paper was made


Which language

Has not been the oppressor’s tongue?

Which language

Truly meant to murder someone?

And how does it happen

That after the torture

After the soul has been cropped

With a long scythe swooping out

Of the con Queror’s face

The unborn grandchildren

Grow to love that strange language

Q.1) The speaker says that Great God Pan has emigrated to India because:

(A) Indians have accepted Greek mythology

(B) Many Indians still view nature as sacred

(C) Gods were banished from Greece and they settled in India

(D) Great Pan is the God of migration

Q.2) The figure of speech in the lines:

Which language/has not been the oppressor`s tongue?’

(A) Alliteration

(B) Simile

(C) Parallelism

(D) Rhetorical

Q.3) The lines, ‘After the torture, after the soul has been cropped with a long scythe scooping out of the con Queror’s face’ suggest :

(A) The torture of learning English in school

(B) The history of colonial violence

(C) The police torture in custody

(D) Suffering due to medical condition

Q.4) The title ‘A Different History’ implies:

(A) Difference in the way many Indians accept the language of oppressors

(B) Different: mythological stories in India

(A) A different bock on Indian history

(D) Different personal history of the people in India

Q.5) identify the one in correct chronological se Quence

(A) The Noman Con Quest – the Death of Geoffrey Chaucer -William Tyndall’s New Testament- the birth of William Shakespeare

(B) The Death of Geoffrey Chaucer -William Tyndall’s New Testament – the birth of William Shakespeare -The Norman Con Quest

(C) The Norman Con Quest – William Tyndall’s New Testament – the death of Geoffrey Chaucer – the birth of William Shakespeare

(D) William Tyndall’s New Testament -the Norman Con Quest – the death of Geoffrey Chaucer – the birth of William Shakespeare

Q.6) In the Prologue’ to Dr Faustus, the chorus proposes that the theme should be

(1) “cursed necromancy

(2) “audacious deeds”

(3) “dalliance of Jove”

(4) “self-conceits”

correct combination according I0 the code is:

(A) I and II are correct

(B) II and III are correct

(C) I and IV are correct

(D) III and IV are correct

Q.7) Which of the following tales is in prose?

(A) The Prioress’s Tale

(B) The Monk’s Tale

(C) The Second Nun’s Tale

(D) The Parson’s Tale

Q.8) Shakespeare’s sonnets

(A) Do not carry a dedication

(B) Are dedicated to James I of England

(C) Are dedicated to Mary Arden

(D) Are dedicated to an unknown “Mr W H ”

Q.9) The Puritans shut down all theatres in England in:

(A) 1642

(B) 1640

(C) 1659

(D) 1660

Q.10) Identify the correctly matched group

List I

(1) L’Ailegro’ and Il Pensoroso*

(2) ‘Lycidas’

(3) Comus’

(4) On His Blindness


List II

(a) Pastoral Elegy

(b) Mas Que

(c) Sonnet

(d) Prose tract

(e) Companion poems in octo-syllabic couplets


A. (1)-a, (2)-b, (3)-c, (4)-d, (5)-e

B. (1)-e, (2)-a, (3)-b, (4)-c, (5)-d

C. (1)-a, (2)-c, (3)-b, (4)-d, (5)-e

D. (1)-e, (2)-a, (3)-b, (4)-d, (5)-c

Q.11) What is common to the following writers? Identify the correct description below;

William Congreve

George Etherege

William Wycherley

Thomas Otway

(A) All of these were Restoration playwrights

(B) All of them were critics of Orwell’s regime

(C) All of them edited Shakespeare’s plays

(D) All of them wrote tragedies in the same age

Q.12) John Donne derives the title’ Canonization’ from;


(B) Geography


(D) Alchemy

Q.13) In Paradise Lost Book IX, Milton writes that Adam was overcome with ” and so ate the forbidden fruit against his “better knowledge”

(A) “Female charm”

(B) “Exceeding love”

(C) “Faithful love”

(D) “Taste so divine”

Q.14) The conception of the mind as Tabula rasa” (blank state) was compounded in the following work:

(A) Essay concerning Human Understanding

(B) Leviathan

(C) Advancement of Learning

(D) Letters of Toleration

Q.15) Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ starts with the famous statement: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife” As we get to read the novel this statement seems to be made from the point of view of

(A) The surrounding families

(B) Mrs. Bennet

(C) Mr. Bennet

(D) The woman of Jane Austen’s age and society

Q.16) William Blake’s famous poems such as “London” “The Sick Rose” and “The Tyger” appear in:

(A) Songs of Innocence

(B) Songs of Experience

(C) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

(D) Vision of the daughters of Albion

Q.17) Who said:

As yet a child, nor yet a fool to fame, I lisped in numbers, the numbers came

(A) Dryden

(B) Pope

(C) Blake

(D) Collins

Q.18) Richard Steele was not associated with:

(A) Tatler

(B) Spectator

(C) London Gazette

(D) The Rambler

Q.19) These critics transcend the subjective point of view They bow to other forms of objective authority: The authority of the past and the authority of the social consensus They adopt the scientific attitude without the science The above formulation best describes:

(A) The Neoclassical Critics

(B) The Romantic Critics

(C) The Art for Arts Sake Critics

(D) The Symbolist Critics

Q.20) Which of the following is not an attribute of Gothic Fiction?

(A) Supernaturalism

(B) Horror

(C) Realism

(D) Isolated Locales

Q.21) Which poem of Shelley was known as the “Chartist’s Bible”?

(A) Prometheans Unbound

(B) Queen Mab

(C) The Revolt of Islam

(D) Ode to the West Wind

Q.22) The following work of Byron does not have the typical *Byronic hero’?

(A) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

(B) Manfred

(C) The Vision of Judgement

(D) Cain

Q.23) “Thou wast not born for death Immortal Bird” In what sense is the bird “immortal “as compared to mortal man?

(1) Here man as an individual is unfairly compared to a bird as a species

(2) The word “Bird” stands for the nightingale’s song

(3) When considered as a species man is e Equally “immortal” as the Bird

(4) The Bird is “immortal” because songs of birds have given pleasure to man through the ages

Find the correct combination according to the code:

(A) Only 1 and 3 are correct

(B) Only 4 is incorrect

(C) Only 2 and 4 are correct

(D) Only 1 and 4 are correct

Q.24) “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer’ was written by:

(A) Matthew Amold

(B) John Keats

(C) William Wordsworth

(D) Lord Byron

Q.25) Identify a play in the following list that is net written by Oscar Wilde:

(A) A Woman of No importance

(B) The Importance of Being Earnest

(C) Saints and Sinners

(D) An Ideal Husband

Q.26) Thrush cross Grange is an important locale in:

(A) Jane Eyre

(B) Shirley

(C) Wuthering Heights

(D) The Governess

Q.27) Match the titles of the following poems by Tennyson with their opening lines according to the codes given below:

List I (Title of Poem)

(a) Tithonus

(b) The Lotus-Eaters

(c) Ulysses

(d) The Lady of Shallott

List II (Opening Lines)

(1) “Courage” he said and points towards the land

(2) The woods decay, the woods decay and fall

(3) On other side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye

(4) It little profits that an idle king By this still hearth, among these barren crags


A. (a)-1, (b)-3, (c)-4, (d)-2

B. (a)-2, (b)-1, (c)-3, (d)-4

C. (a)-2, (b)-1, (c)-4, (d)-3

D. (a)-1, (b)-2, (c)-4, (d)-3

Q.28) Identify the poet whose poems approximate painting;

(A) Matthew Amold

(B) D G Rossetti

(C) A H Clough

(D) Robert Browning

Q.29) Sprung rhythm, Inscape and Instress are the terms associated with he poet:

(A) G M Hopkins

(B) Thomas Hardy

(C) Robert Graves

(D) Siegfried Sassoon

Q.30) Who among the poets in England during the 1930’s had left-learning tendencies?

(A) T S Eliot, Ezra Pound Richard Adlington

(B) Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Rupert Brooke

(C) W H Auden, Louis MacNeice, Cecil Day

(D) J Fleckner, W H, Davies, Edward Maesh

Q.31) One of the following texts was published earlier than 1955 Identify the text:

(A) William Golding——The Inheritors

(B) Philip Larkin———The Less Deceived

(C) William Empson——-Collected Poems

(D) Samuel———Waiting for Godot

Q.32) Who, among the following is credited with the making of the first authoritative Dictionary of the English Language?

(A) Bishop Berkeley

(B) Samuel Johnson

(C) Edmund Burke

(D) Horace Walpole

Q.33) To refer to the unresolvable difficulties a text may open up, Derrida makes use of the term:

(A) Aporia

(B) Supplement Difference

(C) Erasure

(D) Supplement

Q.34) Who, amongst the following, does not belong to the -Great Tradition’ enunciated by PR Leavis?

(A) Joseph Conrad

(B) James Joyce

(C) Jane Austen

(D) George Eliot

Q.35) Which one among the following is not a novel by Graham Greene?

(A) Brighton Rock

(B) The Power and the Glory

(C) Heart of the Matter

(D) The Return of the Soldier

Q.36) A shudder in the loins engenders these the broken wall, the burning roof and tower And Agamemnon dead”
These lines are taken from:

(A) Sailing to Byzantium’

(B) ‘Among School Children

(C) Leda and the Swan

(D) The Second Coming’

Q.37) Which of the following is not a poem written by T S Eliot?

(A) The Return

(B) Gerontion

(C) Ash Wednesday’

(D) Little Gidding’

Q.38) The ‘whisky priest’ Is a character in:

(A) The Power and the Glory

(B) Heart of the Matter

(C) A Burnt-Out Case

(D) The Comedians

Q.39) Arrange the sections of ‘The Waste Land’ in order in which they appear in the poem:

(1) The Fire Sermon

(2) Death by Water

(3) A Game of Chess

(4) What the Thunder Said

(5) The Burial of the Dead

(A) 3, 2, 1, 5, 4

(B) 5, 1, 2, 3, 4

(C) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4

(D) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4

Q.40) Who among the following women writers famously imagined the plight of Shakespeare’s Sister?

(A) George Eliot

(B) Virginia Woolf

(C) lris Murdoch

(D) Francis Burney

Q.41) In Lord of Flies Golding inverts the morality of R M Ballantyne’s The Coral Island involving adventures of the three boys marooned on South Pacific Island, Two names are repeated in Golding’s tale They are:


(1) Ralph

(2) Roger

(3) Jack

(4) Simon

The correct combination is:

(A) are correct

(B) 3 and 4 are correct

(C) 1 and 4 are correct

(D) 1 and 3 are correct

Q.42) Identify the poet in whose verse rural Ulster figures prominently:

(A) Tony Harrison

(B) Ted Hughes

(C) Seamus Heaney

(D) Louis MacNeice

Q.43) Which one of the following plays is not by Cary l Churchill?

(A) Cloud Nine

(B) Top Girls

(C) Serious Money

(D) Taste of Honey

Q.44) Name the theorist who divided poets into “strong” and “weak” and popularized the practice of misreading:

(A) Alan Bloom

(B) Harold Bloom

(C) Geoffrey Hartman

(D) Stanley Fish

Q.45) The British branch of cultural poetics largely concerned with Marxist thought, is:

(A) Cultural Myopics

(B) Engelian Poetics

(C) Cultural Materialism

(D) Antiutopian Theory

Q.46) In what particular area of literature did New Historicism originate?

(A) Victorian Studies

(B) The Renaissance

(C) Medieval Studies

(D) The Classic

Q.47) …………….is a theological term brought into literary criticism by

(A) Entelechy, St Augustine

(B) Ambiguity, William Empson

(C) Adequation, Fr Walter Ong

(D) Epiphany, James Joyce

Q.48) Who among the following proposes that the unconscious comes into being only in language?

(A) Sigmund Freud

(B) Jacques Lacan

(C) Stuart Hall

(D) Paul de Man

Q.49) The ‘Angel in the House’ became a common label for the victorial ideal of respectable middle-class femineity The phrase originated with a popular long poem by:

(A) Arthur Munby

(B) Arthur Hugh Clough

(C) Coventry Patmore

(D) Alfred Tennyson

Q.50) Who among the following is not a myth critic?

(A) Robert Graves

(B) Ramond Williams

(C) Maud Bodkins

(D) Northrop Frye

Q.51) Who said: “There is no difference between the language of poetry and that of prose expect in metre”?

(A) Coleridge

(B) Wordsworth

(C) Arnold

(D) Dryden

Q.52) “The task of the translator” is an essay by:

(A) Susan Bassnett

(B) Lawrence Venuti

(C) Walter Benjamin

(D) Edward Fitzgerald

Q.53) “Who makes a distinction between writerly and readerly texts?

(A) Michael Foucault

(B) Roland Barthes

(C) Ferdinand de Sanssure

(D) Vladimir Propp

Q.54) In Marxist Criticism the term “interpellation’ implies:

(A) How the base of material means of production influences the superstructure

(B) How ideology reflect the objective reality

(C) How individuals take up a pre-established “subject position” in societal structure

(D) How the reader reads the allegory

Q.55) Which A African American critic is the author of *The Signifying Monkey”?

(A) W, E B DuBois

(B) Malcolm X

(C) Henry Louis Gates Jr

(D) Imamu Amiri Baraka

Q.56) Aporia is a state of:

(A) Undecidability

(B) Apathy

(C) Candor

(D) Violence

Q.57) …………..?

(1) A “Pastiche’ is a mixture of themes, stylistic elements or subjects borrowed from other works

(2) It is distinguished from parody because not all parody is pastiche

(3) A pastiche is also known as a “purple passage

(4) A pastiche is given to an elevated style especially in its use of figurative language

(A) I and 2 are correct

(B) Only 1 is correct

(D) Only 4 is correct

(C) 3 and 4 are correct

Q.58) Who among the following is not a Nigerian writer?

(A) Ben Okri

(B) Ama Ata Aidoo

(C) Chimananda Ngozi Adichi

(D) Wole Soyinka

Q.59) The idea of ‘negritude’ as the cultural response of the native to the onslaught by colonialism’s culture was propagated by:

(A) Ayi Kwei Armah

(B) Aime Cesairc

(C) Franz Fanon

(D) Arjun Appadurai

Q.60) The preliminary version of James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was called:

(A) Stephen Hero

(B) Bloom*s Blunder

(C) A Day in the Life of Stephen Dedalus

(D) The Dead

Q.61) “An extremely simplified form of language used for oral, verbal contact among a community whose members speak different languages but do not share a common language in order to fulfil the essential needs of communication”;
Which of the following is best described by this definition?

(A) Creole

(B) Pidgin

(C) Dialect

(D) Lingua Franca

Q.62) Arrange the following E L T methods and approaches in order in which they appear Use the codes given below:


(1) Direct Method

(2) The communicative language teaching

(3) The grammar translation method

(4) The silent way

The correct combination is:

(A) 1, 3, 4, 2

(B) 3, 1, 4, 2

(C) 3, 2, 1, 4

(D) 1, 3, 2, 4

Q.63) Derek Walcott comes from which place in the West Indies:

(A) Trinidad and Tobago

(B) Saint Lucia

(C) Saint Helena

(D) Jamaica

Q.64) “The Lost Generation” is a name applied to the disillusioned intellectuals and aesthetes of the years following the First World War Who called them “The Lost Generation”?

(A) H L Mencken

(B) Willa Cather

(C) Jack London

(D) Gertrude Stein

Q.65) Match the pair of authors and their works according to the codes given:

List 1 (Authors)

(a) Vladimir Nabokov

(b) Italo Calvino

(c) Umberto Eco

(d) Milan Kundera

List 2 (Works)

(1) Immortality

(2) Foucault’s Pendulum

(3) If on a Winter’s Night A Traveller

(4) Lolita


A. (a)-4, (b)-1, (c)-3, (d)-2

B. (a)-4, (b)-3, (c)-2, (d)-1

C. (a)-4, (b)-1, (c)-2, (d)-3

D. (a)-4, (b)-3, (c)-1, (d)-2

Q.66) Pick out two relevant and correct description of U R Ananthamurthy’s Samskara:

(1) The novel is written in Malayalam

(2) The novel is set in Malgudi

(3) The novel is written in Kannada

(4) The novel is a satire on the representatives of a decadent Brahmin society

(A) 1 and 4 are correct

(B) 2 and 3 are correct

(C) 3 and 4 are correct

(D) I and 3 are correct

Q.67) Which one of the following is not an award received by Mahasweta Devi?

(A) Raman Magsaysay Award

(B) Jnanpith Award

(C) Padmashri

(D) Commonwealth Writers’ Prize

Q.68) Which of the following awards is not given to Indian-English writers?

(A) The Booker Prize

(B) The Sahitya Akademi Award

(C) The Gnanpith

(D) Witbread Prize

Q.69) Who is the author of ‘Life Divine’?

(A) M K Gandhi

(B) S Radhakrishnan

(C) Sri Aurobindo

(D) Rabindranath Tagore

Q.70) Here is a list of Partition novels which have *violence on the woman’s body as a significant theme pick the add one out:

(A) The Pakistani Bride

(B) What the Body Remembers

(C) Train to Pakistan

(D) The Ice-Candy Man

Q.71) The Idea of “Vishva Sahitya’ was presented in a lecture by;

(A) Bharatendu Harischandra

(B) Rabindranath Tagore

(C) Anand Coomarswamy

(D) Sri Aurobindo

Q.72) Who among these Indian English writers did not receive the Booker Prize?

(A) Arundhati Roy

(B) Kiran Desai

(C) Arvind Adiga

(D) Amitay Ghosh

Q.73) Abraham Lincoln is the central figure in:

(A) ” Crossing Brooklyn Terry

(B) When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed

(C) Passage to India

(D) The Song of Myself

Q.74) ……….?

List 1

(1) “Because I could not stop for death”

(2) “O Captain! My Captain!”

(3) “Two roads diverged in a wood

(4) “So much depends upon

List 2

(a) Robert Frost

(b) William Carlos William

(c) Emily Dickinson

(d) Walt Whitman

The correctly matched series would be;

A. (1)-d, (2)-c, (3)-b, (4)-a

B. (1)-a, (2)-b, (3)-c, (4)-d

C. (1)-b, (2)-a, (3)-d, (4)-c

D. (1)-c, (2)-d, (3)-a, (4)-b

Q.75) Who among the following is not an American modernist poet?

(A) William Carlos Williams

(B) Ezra Pound

(C) William Ellery Channing

(D) Marianne Moore