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PGT (2016)

PGT (2016)


Q.1) Which poems of William Wordsworth is considered his greatest autobiographical epic?

[1] Guilt and sorrow

[2] The prelude

[3] The excursion

[4] Peter bell

Answer: The prelude

Q.2) In which poem does Wordsworth write “come forth into the light of things, / Let nature be your teacher”?

[1] “The tables turned”

[2] “The world is too much with us”

[3] “I wandered lonely as a cloud”

[4] “The solitary reaper”

Answer: “The tables turned”

Q.3) A hymn is

[1] A poem of joy

[2] A poem of lament

[3] A poem of praise

[4] A church song

Answer: A poem of praise

Q.4) What, according to P.B. Shelley, is “Intellectual beauty”?

[1] The human mind dreaming

[2] Reason pushing away emotions

[3] The human mind at work

[4] The human mind solving political problems

Answer: The human mind at work

Q.5) For which profession John Keats had license but never practised it?

[1] Pharmacist

[2] Architect

[3] Engineer

[4] Lawyer

Answer: Pharmacist

Q.6) Which of the following books was translated by John Keats?

[1] Aeneid

[2] Lliad

[3] Odyssey

[4] Vulgate

Answer: Aeneid

Q.7) What caused John Keats’ death?

[1] Malaria

[2] Tuberculosis

[3] Pneumonia

[4] Typhoid

Answer: Tuberculosis

Q.8) Who called “The waste land” ‘a music of ideas’?

[1] Allen Tate

[2] J.C. Ranson

[3] I.A. Richards

[4] F.R. Leavis

Answer: I.A. Richards

Q.9) What meter is a sonnet written in?

[1] Spondaic tetrameter

[2] Lambic pentameter

[3] Lambic tetrameter

[4] Lambic trimester

Answer: Lambic pentameter

Q.10) Who invented the term ‘sprung rhythm’?

[1] Hopkins

[2] Tennyson

[3] Browning

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Hopkins

Q.11) Which of the following plays of Shakespeare has an epilogue?

[1] The tempest

[2] Henry IV, Pt. I

[3] Hamlet

[4] Twelfth night

Answer: The tempest

Q.12) Oedipus complex is

[1] A kind of physical ailment

[2] A father’s attraction towards his daughter

[3] A brother’s attraction towards his sister

[4] A son’s attraction towards his mother

Answer: A son’s attraction towards his mother

Q.13) Who called Shelley “a beautiful and ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wings in vain”?

[1] Walter pater

[2] A.C. Swinburne

[3] Matthew Arnold

[4] T.S. Eliot

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.14) Who said that “Shakespeare in his comedies has only heroines and no heroes”?

[1] Ben Jonson

[2] John Ruskin

[3] Thomas Carlyle

[4] William Hazlitt

Answer: John Ruskin

Q.15) The line “There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow” occurs in

[1] Hamlet

[2] Henry IV, Pt. I

[3] The tempest

[4] Twelfth night

Answer: Hamlet

Q.16) “The rarer actions are in virtue than in vengeance.”

This line occurs in Shakespeare’s

[1] Hamlet

[2] King Lear

[3] The tempest

[4] The merchant of Venice

Answer: The tempest

Q.17) Who said “Keats was a Greek”?

[1] Wordsworth

[2] Coleridge

[3] Lamb

[4] Shelley

Answer: Shelley

Q.18) Which stanza form did Shelley use in his famous poem “ode to the west wind”?

[1] Rime royal

[2] Ottava Rima

[3] Terza Rima

[4] Spenserian stanza

Answer: Terza Rima

Q.19) The most notable characteristic of Keats’ poetry is

[1] Satire

[2] Sensuality

[3] Sensuousness

[4] Social reform

Answer: Sensuousness

Q.20) Which Augustan writer’s epitaph reads:

“One who strove with all his might to champion liberty”?

[1] Alexander pope

[2] Jonathan swift

[3] Henry fielding

[4] Daniel Defoe

Answer: Jonathan Swift

Q.21) The term “metaphysical poets” was first used by

[1] Ben Jonson

[2] Dr. Johnson

[3] Helen Gardner

[4] John Dryden

Answer: Dr. Johnson

Q.22) “Anagnorisis” is a term used by Aristotle for describing

[1] The moment of discovery by the protagonist

[2] The reversal of fortune for the protagonist

[3] The happy resolution of the plot

[4] The convergence of the main plot and the sub plot

Answer: The moment of discovery by the protagonist

Q.23) “The praise of chimney-sweepers” is

[1] A poem by William Blake

[2] An elegy by William Wordsworth

[3] An essay by Charles lamb

[4] An essay by William Hazlitt

Answer: An essay by Charles lamb

Q.24) Who, among the following made the statement “poetry is a criticism of life under the conditions fixed for such a criticism by laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty”?

[1] Dr. Johnson

[2] Sidney

[3] Matthew Arnold

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.25) Who is known as the master of dramatic monologue?

[1] William Shakespeare

[2] Wallance stevens

[3] Robert frost

[4] Robert browning

Answer: Robert browning

Q.26) What is the sub-title of the play twelfth night?

[1] Or, what is you will

[2] Or, what you will

[3] Or, what you like it

[4] Or, what you think

Answer: Or, what you will

Q.27) Tennyson seceded whom as poet laureate of England?

[1] Arthur Cunningham

[2] William Wordsworth

[3] S.T Coleridge

[4] Shakespeare

Answer: William Wordsworth

Q.28) Keats’ “endymion” is dedicated to?

[1] Leigh hunt

[2] Milton

[3] Shakespeare

[4] Thomas Chatterton

Answer: Thomas Chatterton

Q.29) Which of the following poets does not belong to the ‘lake school’?

[1] Keats

[2] Coleridge

[3] Southey

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Keats

Q.30) Tennyson’s poem “In memoriam” was written in memory of?

[1] A.H. Hallam

[2] Edward king

[3] Wellington

[4] P.B. Shelley

Answer: A.H. Hallam

Q.31) For which newspapers Charles dickens reported parliamentary debates

[1] Guardian

[2] Mirror of parliament

[3] The independent

[4] The times

Answer: Mirror of parliament

Q.32) Which was Charles dickens’ first novel?

[1] David Copperfield

[2] Nicholas Nickleby

[3] The pickwick papers

[4] Oliver twist

Answer: The pickwick papers

Q.33) Which revolution dominates a tale of two cities?

[1] Russian

[2] French

[3] Italian

[4] German

Answer: French

Q.34) A verse form using stanza of eight lines, each with eleven syllables, is known as

[1] Spenserian stanza

[2] Ballad

[3] Ottava Rima

[4] Rhyme royal

Answer: Ottava Rima

Q.35) Mary Shelley’s father was William Godwin, a famous

[1] Physician

[2] Spiritual leader

[3] Poet and satirist

[4] Philosopher

Answer: Philosopher

Q.36) What is the name of Tess’s illegitimate child in hardy’s novel?

[1] Sorrow

[2] Abraham

[3] Pity

[4] Mourning

Answer: Sorrow

Q.37) What motivates Tess to speak to angel about her past?

[1] Tess realizes that angel has not read the letter she has written him

[2] Joan Durbeyfield advises Tess to tell him

[3] Angel admits his sins to Tess

[4] A man from Trantridge recognizes her

Answer: Angel admits his sins to Tess

Q.38) Lyrical ballads comprises poems by Wordsworth and

[1] Keats

[2] Shelley

[3] Coleridge

[4] Byron

Answer: Coleridge

Q.39) The town mentioned in the poem “lady of shallot” by Tennyson is

[1] London

[2] York

[3] Camelot

[4] Oxford

Answer: Camelot

Q.40) What by definition is serious, complete and of a significant magnitude?

[1] Comedy

[2] Epic

[3] Tragedy

[4] Drama

Answer: Tragedy

Q.41) The author of the essay “Tradition Nd individual talent” is

[1] Matthew Arnold

[2] T.S. Eliot

[3] A.C. Bradley

[4] George Saintsbury

Answer: T.S. Eliot

Q.42) The Shakespearean play termed as “artistic failure” by T.S. Eliot is

[1] King Lear

[2] Othello

[3] Hamlet

[4] As you like it

Answer: Hamlet

Q.43) The middle name of Robert frost is

[1] Charles

[2] Lee

[3] John

[4] Augustus

Answer: Lee

Q.44) Which American president invited Robert frost to recite at his inauguration ceremony?

[1] Johnson

[2] Nixon

[3] Roosevelt

[4] Kennedy

Answer: Kennedy

Q.45) According to Robert frost what is “the right place for love”?

[1] Heaven

[2] Earth

[3] Eden

[4] Paradise

Answer: Earth

Q.46) The ship in Whitman’s “O captain, My captaion” refers to

[1] Democracy

[2] Aristocracy

[3] Autocracy

[4] Dictatorship

Answer: Democracy

Q.47) Which famous novel of William Faulkner was published in 1929?

[1] The sound and the fury

[2] Mosquitoes

[3] Soldier’s pay

[4] The white rose of Memphis

Answer: The sound and the fury

Q.48) When did William Faulkner get the Nobel prize for literature?

[1] 1941

[2] 1949

[3] 1945

[4] 1938

Answer: 1949

Q.49) Whose death does “when lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d” commemorate?

[1] Lincoln’s

[2] John brown’s

[3] Stonewall Jackson’s

[4] The poet’s mother

Answer: Lincoln’s

Q.50) What was Ernest Hemingway’s role in world war I?

[1] Corporal

[2] Marine

[3] Flight lieutenant

[4] Ambulance driver

Answer: Ambulance driver

Q.51) Which novel got Ernest Hemingway the Pulitzer prize?

[1] A farewell to arms

[2] The old man and the sea

[3] Across the river and into the seas

[4] The green hills of Africa

Answer: The old man and the sea

Q.52) Name the author of the eassy “Naipaul’s India and mine”.

[1] Dom moraes

[2] Nissim Ezekiel

[3] Salman Rushdie

[4] Vikram Seth

Answer: Nissim Ezekiel

Q.53) Nissim Ezekiel belonged to the…. community

[1] Christian

[2] Parsee

[3] Jewish

[4] Muslim

Answer: Jewish

Q.54) Which of the following is not a poem by kamala das?

[1] “Summer in Calcutta”

[2] “The dawns of the eunuchs”

[3] “Night of the scorpion”

[4] “Krishna”

Answer: “Night of the scorpion”

Q.55) When did Ernest Hemingway get the Nobel prize for literature?

[1] 1931

[2] 1937

[3] 1945

[4] 1954

Answer: 1954

Q.56) What is the major symbol in Whitman’s “song of myself”?

[1] The ocean

[2] A bird

[3] A tombstone

[4] The grass

Answer: The grass

Q.57) Which American writer was a great influence on Whitman?

[1] Thoreau

[2] Cooper

[3] Hawthorne

[4] Emerson

Answer: Emerson

Q.58) The author of my story is

[1] Ruskin

[2] Kamala das

[3] Amitav Ghosh

[4] V.S. Naipaul

Answer: Kamala das

Q.59) The author of essays of Elia is

[1] Francis bacon

[2] William Hazlitt

[3] Charles lamb

[4] H.G. Wells

Answer: Charles lamb

Q.60) Mulk raj Anand died in the year

[1] 2005

[2] 2003

[3] 2004

[4] 2002

Answer: 2004

Q.61) Which of the following is not a work by Mulk raj Anand

[1] The private life of an Indian prince

[2] Coolie

[3] Kanthapura

[4] Two leaves and a bud

Answer: Kanthapura

Q.62) Who wrote the foreword to Anand’s novel untouchable?

[1] E.M. Forster

[2] Rudyard Kipling

[3] R.K. Narayan

[4] Graham Greene

Answer: E.M. Forster

Q.63) The idea that the good are rewarded and the evil punished is termed

[1] Divine justice

[2] Jurisprudence

[3] Poetic justice

[4] None of the above

Answer: Poetic justice

Q.64) An extended speech in which a character alone expresses his thought on stage is called

[1] Dramatic aside

[2] Soliloquy

[3] Dramatic monologue

[4] Interlude

Answer: Soliloquy

Q.65) A dactyl is a metrical foot consisting of

[1] Two syllables

[2] Three syllables

[3] Five syllables

[4] Four syllables

Answer: Three syllables

Q.66) According to this passage, which one of the following statements is correct?

[1] There is less damage in Asia than in Europe

[2] More forests are dying in Germany than anywhere else in Europe

[3] A cyclic change in the environment is responsible for deforestation

[4] Air pollution is the main culprit of destroying Europeans forests

Answer: There is less damage in Asia than in Europe

Q.67) The dying forest syndrome is a disease that

[1] Is peculiar to the forests of Asia

[2] Has spread rapidly over the forests of Europe

[3] Is confined to the forests of Germany

[4] Has affected forests all over the world

Answer: Has spread rapidly over the forests of Europe

Q.68) The writer suggests that

[1] It is no longer possible to grow trees in industrialized areas

[2] Pollution immune trees will absorb toxic

[3] All pollution-prone trees should be destroyed

[4] It is not possible to grow trees that remain unaffected by pollution

Answer: It is not possible to grow trees that remain unaffected by pollution

Q.69) The writer’s approach toward the problem of forest devastation os one of

[1] Tolerance

[2] Indifference

[3] Well thought-out strategy

[4] Despondency

Answer: Well thought-out strategy

Q.70) “Immune” means

[1] Affected by a given influence

[2] Not affected by a given influence

[3] Absorbed by a given influence

[4] None of the above

Answer: Not affected by a given influence

Q.71) A statement which may contain two or more meanings is an example of

[1] Anecdote

[2] Epigraph

[3] Ambiguity

[4] Foil

Answer: Ambiguity

Q.72) A figure of speech wherein a comparison is made between two unlike quantities without the use of the words “like” or “as” is termed

[1] Analogy

[2] Simile

[3] Soliloquy

[4] Metaphor

Answer: Metaphor

Q.73) A play on words wherein a word is used to convey two meanings at the same time us called

[1] Pun

[2] Satire

[3] Hyperbole

[4] Paradox

Answer: Pun

Q.74) A work that makes fun of another work by imitating some aspect of the writer’s style is called

[1] Satire

[2] Farce

[3] Parody

[4] Fable

Answer: Parody

Q.75) A scene that interrupts the normal chronological sequence of events in a story to depict something that happened at an earlier time

[1] Flashback

[2] Prologue

[3] Epilogue

[4] Flashforward

Answer: Flashback

Q.76) The study of ancient societies

[1] Anthropology

[2] Archaeology

[3] History

[4] Ethnology

Answer: Archaeology

Q.77) A state in which the few govern the many

[1] Monarchy

[2] Oligarchy

[3] Autocracy

[4] Plutocracy

Answer: Oligarchy

Q.79) Medical study of skin and its diseases

[1] Endocrinology

[2] Orthopaedics

[3] Dermatology

[4] Opthalmology

Answer: Dermatology

Q.80) Murder of a brother

[1] Patricide

[2] Regicide

[3] Homicide

[4] Fratricide

Answer: Fratricide

Q.81) ….the moon has no water, its solid crust does respond to the gravitational force of the earth

[1] Although

[2] However

[3] Therefore

[4] Except

Answer: Although

Q.82) ………., 70 percent alcohol is more effective than 100 percent alcohol

[1] An antiseptic used

[2] When used as an antiseptic

[3] Therefore an antiseptic

[4] Except an antiseptic

Answer: When used as an antiseptic

Q.83) Hydrocarbons, by engine exhausts, react with nitrogen oxides to form complex toxic gases.

[1] Are given off

[2] Given off

[3] Give off

[4] They are given off

Answer: Given off

Q.84) Ozone…. Extremely active chemically and succeeds in damaging any vegetation it comes in contact with

[1] Is

[2] Being

[3] Which is

[4] By being


Q.85) Temperature inversions often occur when….in the late afternoon

[1] The earth’s surface is cooled

[2] Earth’s surface is cooled

[3] Also the earth’s surface is cooled

[4] That the earth’s surface is cooled

Answer: The earth’s surface is cooled

Q.86) Jonathan insisted on ….out

[1] Go

[2] Going

[3] Gone

[4] Went

Answer: Going

Q.87) This is the diamond ring which the thief…

[1] Stolen

[2] Steal

[3] Stole

[4] Stealing

Answer: Stole

Q.88) All the pupils are… to the beach

[1] Going

[2] Will go

[3] Gone

[4] Go

Answer: Going

Q.89) …Prevent people from driving off the road, they put up more street lamps.

[1] In order to

[2] In order from

[3] In order of

[4] In order on

Answer: In order to

Q.90) I ate a…. of chocolate cake

[1] Peace

[2] Piece

[3] Pieces

[4] Spices

Answer: Piece

In the following sentences identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentences to be correct (91-95)

Q.91) After newton

[1] Has observed

[2] An apple fall

[3] To the ground, he formulated the

[4] Law of gravity

Answer: Has observed

Q.92) In 1749, john

[1] Newbery was the

[2] First publisher to produce

[3] Books which

[4] Children really wanted read

Answer: Children really wanted read

Q.93) The name albert Einstein

[1] Has become

[2] Synonymous with his theory of relative in

[3] The minds

[4] Of most scientists and laymen

Answer: Synonymous with his theory of relative in

Q.94) The most important

[1] Method saving

[2] By individuals in recent years has been

[3] Real estate investment, particularly in

[4] Private dwellings

Answer: Method saving

Q.95) The most important cause

[1] Of tides

[2] Is the gravitation

[3] Attraction of the

[4] Moon

Answer: Is the gravitation

Q.96) Mohan said, “I want to visit my friends this weekend.”

[1] Mohan said he wants to visit his friends that weekend

[2] Mohan said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend

[3] Mohan said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend

[4] Mohan said he wants to visit his friends this weekend

Answer: Mohan said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend

Q.97) Jerry said, “I’m studying English a lot at the moment.”

[1] Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment

[2] Jerry said he was studying English a lot at this moment

[3] Jerry said I was studying English a lot at that moment

[4] Jerry said he would be studying English a lot at that moment

Answer: Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment

Q.98) They said, “We’ve lived here for a long time,”

[1] They said they have lived there for a long time.

[2] They said they lived here for a long time.

[3] They said they had lived there for a long time.

[4] They said they have lived there for a long time.

Answer: They said they had lived there for a long time

Q.99) He asked me, “Have you finished reading tha newspaper?”

[1] He asked me if had I finished reading the newspaper.

[2] He asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper.

[3] He asked me if I would finish reading the newspaper.

[4] He asked me if I would be finishing reading the newspaper.

Answer: He asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper

Q.100) “I get up every morning at seven o’clock, “peter said.

[1] Peter said he got up every morning at seven o’clock

[2] Peter said I got up every morning at seven o’clock

[3] Peter said he had got up every morning at seven o’clock

[4] Peter said he get up every morning at seven o’clock

Answer: Peter said he got up every morning at seven o’clock

Fill in the blanks with the correct option

Q.101) He and his brother……to the same school

[1] Go

[2] Goes

[3] Have going

[4] Are gone

Answer: Go

Q.102) Don’t get off the train til it…..

[1] Stops

[2] Stopped

[3] Will stop

[4] Would stop

Answer: Stops

Q.103) I ……. english for six years now.

[1] Studied

[2] Have studied

[3] Would study

[4] Have been studying

Answer: Have been studying

Q.104) I……. him for years

[1] Know

[2] Have know

[3] Would know

[4] Have known

Answer: Have known

Q.105) Identify the correctly spelt word in each of the following sentences

[1] Efficient

[2] Beterment

[3] Treatment

[4] Employd

Answer: Efficient

Q.106) Identify the correctly spelt word in each of the following sentences

[1] Conspicuous

[2] Contegious

[3] Concious

[4] Contenuous

Answer: Conspicuous

Q.107) Identify the correctly spelt word in each of the following sentences

[1] Gaurantee

[2] Guarantee

[3] Garuntee

[4] Guaruntee

Answer: Guarantee

Q.108) Identify the correctly spelt word in each of the following sentences

[1] Pessenger

[2] Passenger

[3] Pasanger

[4] Pesanger

Answer: Passenger

Q.109) Identify the correctly spelt word in each of the following sentences

[1] Treachrous

[2] Trecherous

[3] Trechearous

[4] Treacherous

Answer: Treacherous

Q.110) Identify the correctly spelt word in each of the following sentences.

[1] Klaptomania

[2] Klepptomania

[3] Kleptemania

[4] Kleptomania

Answer: Kleptomania

Q.111) An idiom is

[1] A common expression meant to sound sarcastic and implausible to the listener or reader.

[2] An idiotic expression repeatedly used by a cultural or language group.

[3] A commonly used phrase or expression with a meaning different from a literal translation.

[4] None of the above

Answer: A commonly used phrase or expression with a meaning different from a literal translation.

Q.112) Which of the following shows an example of an idiomatic expression?

[1] His investment failed, and he lost the family nest egg.

[2] He didn’t invest wisely and lost a lot of money.

[3] He shouldn’t have invested so much in that risky project.

[4] He shouldn’t have invested so little in that risky project.

Answer: His investment failed, and he lost the family nest egg.

Q.113) Choose the example of a sentence written in active voice.

[1] The new dishes had been washed, dried, and put away.

[2] She washed, dried, and put away the new dishes

[3] The new dishes had been washed, dried, and put away by the maid.

[4] None of the above

Answer: She washed, dried, and put away the new dishes

Q.114) Choose the example of a sentence written in passive voice.

[1] The researcher noted an increases in bacteria.

[2] The researcher noted how much the bacteria increased.

[3] The increase in bacteria was noted by the researcher

[4] All of the above

Answer: The increase in bacteria was noted by the researcher

Q.115) Which sentence is punctuated correctly/

[1] The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said quietly, “If only we had known before…”

[2] The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said quietly, “If only we half known before…?”

[3] The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said quietly, “If only we had known before…”!

[4] The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said quietly, “If only we had known before…”!

Answer: The twins exchanged looks, and Tess said quietly, “If only we had known before…”

Q.116) Choose the sentence correct in punctuation

[1] Why do fairy tales always end with the sentence, “And they lived happily ever after”?

[2] Why do fairy tales always end with the sentence, “And they lived happily ever after?”

[3] Why do fairy tales always end with the sentence, “And they lived happily ever after!”

[4] Why do fairy tales: always end with the sentence, “And they lived happily, ever after?”

Answer: Why do fairy tales always end with the sentence, “And they lived happily ever after”?

Q.117) She truly enjoyed growing her own organic vegetables. The underlined word in the sentence above is..

[1] A gerund

[2] An infinitive phrase

[3] A participle phrase

[4] None of the above

Answer: A gerund

Q.118) Which group shows only superlatives?

[1] Rounder, more tall, faster, most nice, worst

[2] Heaviest, most rugged, swiftest, cutest, best

[3] Straightest, much higher, longest, nicest, farther

[4] Fittest, bravest, taller, highest

Answer: Heaviest, most rugged, swiftest, cutest, best

Q.119) Choose the correct sentence

[1] The comedian at the comedy club was the funniest man we had ever seen.

[2] The comedian at the comedy club was the funniest man we had ever seen.

[3] The comedian at the comedy club was the funnier man we had ever seen.

[4] The comedian at the comedy club was the funniest man we had ever seen.

Answer: The comedian at the comedy club was the funniest man we had ever seen

Q.120) The age of a tree can be determined accurately by counting the number of tree rings it has developed.

[1] Decided

[2] Achieved

[3] Measured

[4] Resolved

Answer: Measured

Q.121) Pure alcohol coagulates on contact

[1] Solidifies

[2] Sets

[3] Thickens

[4] Hardens

Answer: Thickens

Q.122) The used of computer-based technology in offices are extensive

[1] Spacious

[2] Progressive

[3] Plentiful

[4] Widespread

Answer: Widespread

Q.123) The Greeks believed that the heart was the seat of intelligence

[1] Spot

[2] Chair

[3] Centre

[4] Purpose

Answer: Centre

Q.124) The liver is the most versatile of all the organs in the body.

[1] Gifted

[2] Accomplished

[3] Ingenious

[4] Resourceful

Answer: Resourceful

Q.125) Before the 18th century, epidemics from unsanitary conditions used to wipe out entire towns

[1] Plunder

[2] Terminate

[3] Destroy

[4] Contaminate

Answer: Destroy

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