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Paper 2- September 2013

Paper 2- September 2013

1. In the following cluster of poems by Shelley, which one has the voyage motif?

(A) “Adonais”

(B) The Revolt of Islam

(C) “Ode to the West Wind”

(D) Alastor

Answer: (D)

2. In Sydney’s sonnet sequence, Astrophil and Stella, the final sonnet (#108)

(A) Brings no resolution

(B) Ends in joy

(C) Brings a definite resolution

(D) Promises another sonnet sequence

Answer: (A)

3. Who among the following English writers opposed the Licensing Act of 1643?

(A) John Milton

(B) Thomas Browne

(C) Andrew Marvell

(D) Abraham Cowley

Answer: (A)

4. Who claimed: “I have not published a single paper that is not written in a spirit of benevolence and with a love of mankind”?

(A) Pope

(B) Dryden

(C) Swift

(D) Addison

Answer: (D)

5. A protagonist writes a letter of confession, but it gets lost under the carpet only to be found on the wedding day. Who is the protagonist?

(A) Bathsheba

(B) Lucetta

(C) Sue

(D) Tess

Answer: (D)

6. In an age of pressurized happiness, we sometimes grow insensitive to subtle joys. The italicised words are an example of

(A) A transferred epithet

(B) A simile

(C) A metaphor

(D) A hyperbaton

Answer: (A)

7. In Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock, Hale is murdered with the help of ‘brighton rock’ which is

(A) A kind of sugar-candy

(B) A form of grenade

(C) A baton

(D) A kind of rock

Answer: (A)

8. Which poet among this group does not belong to the ‘Auden Generation’ group of poets?

(A) Stephen Spender

(B) Alun Lewis

(C) Cecil Day Lewis

(D) Louis Macneice

Answer: (B)

9. In Lord of the Flies which character comes to realize that the ‘beast’ is actually the evil inside the boys themselves and it is that which is breaking things up?

(A) Jack

(B) Simon

(C) Roger

(D) Ralph

Answer: (B)

10. Which text exemplifies the anti- Victorian feeling prevalent in the early twentieth century?

I. Eminent Victorians

II. Jungle Book

III. Philistine Victorians

IV. The Way of All Flesh

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) II and IV are correct.

(B) I and IV are correct.

(C) III and IV are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Answer: (B)

11. What event allowed mainstream British theatre companies to commission and performs work that was politically, socially and sexually controversial without fear of censorship?

(A) The abolition of the Lord Chamberlain’s office in 1968.

(B) The illegal performance of works by Howard Brenton and Edward Bond.

(C) The collapse of liberal humanist consensus in the late 1960s.

(D) A combined appeal to the Queen by a group of London dramatists.

Answer: (A)

12. The Wife of Bath’s philosophy ofmarriage shows that she

(A) Is a strong person with keen awareness of her own rights?

(B) Tends to say one thing and do the opposite.

(C) Cares only for pleasure, not for right and wrong.

(D) Trusts thought too much instead of feeling.

Answer: (A)

13. Which of the following characters is killed in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart in conformity with an African tribal custom?

(A) Okonkwo

(B) Obierika

(C) Ikemefuna

(D) Nwoye

Answer: (C)

14. “We will do it, I tell you; we will do it.” The repetition of a phrase is

(A) Antiphrasis

(B) Diacope

(C) Aposiopesis

(D) Enumeratio

Answer: (B)

15. Find the poet who is the odd one in the group:

(A) Wallace Stevens

(B) Robert Lowell

(C) Sylvia Plath

(D) Anne Sexton

Answer: (A)

16. Which one of the following characters in Shakespeare’s Tempest is associated with the Earth?

(A) Ferdinand

(B) Ariel

(C) Caliban

(D) Prospero

Answer: (C)

17. In the Advancement of Learning Bacon attempted a preliminary survey of the entire field of learning, by analyzing the principal obstacles to its advancement. Identify from among the following choice the one that he did not mention as an obstacle:

(A) Rhetoric

(B) Medieval scholasticism

(C) Inductive method

(D) Pseudo sciences

Answer: (C)

18. Who among this group of youngmale characters in Jane Austen’snovels is not sent to the University for Education?

(A) Tom Bertram

(B) John Thorpe

(C) James Morland

(D) Henry Tilney

Answer: D

19. Charles Dickens caricatured utilitarian thinking with telling directness in his portrayal of

(A) Paul Dombey

(B) Thomas Gradgrind

(C) Philip Pirrip

(D) Harold Skimpole

Answer: (B)

20. Which one of the following playwrights will not be covered under the category / term ‘Theatre of the Absurd’?

(A) Jean Genet

(B) Jean Giraudoux

(C) Samuel Beckett

(D) Eugene Ionesco

Answer: (B)

21. The following are two lists of lines from poems and their titles. Match them:

(Lines from poems)

I. “The squat pen rests as snug as a gun.”

II. “A serious house on serious earth it is.”

III. “Time held me green and dying.”

IV. “I hold creation in my foot.”

(Titles of poems)

1. “Church Going”

2. “Hawk- Roosting”

3. “Digging”

4. “Fern Hill”

Which is the correct combination according to the above code?


(A) 4 1 2 3

(B) 2 3 4 1

(C) 1 2 3 4

(D) 3 1 4 2

Answer: (D)

22. _________ is the use of words whose pronunciation imitates the sound the word describes.

(A) Alliteration

(B) Onomatopoeia

(C) Oxymoron

(D) Enthymeme

Answer: (B)

23. Arrange the following books in the order in which they appeared. Use the code given below:

I. The Dictionary of the English Language

II. The History of Rasselas

III. The Vanity of Human Wishes

IV. Lives of the English Poets

Which is the correct combination according to the above code?

(A) III, I, II, IV

(B) I, II, III, IV

(C) IV, III, II, I

(D) II, III, I, IV

Answer: (A)

24. Arrange the following forms in the order in which they appeared. Use the code given below:

I. commedia dell’arte

II. Confessional poetry

III. Agitprop

IV. Picaresque novel

The correct combination is:


(A) IV, I, II, III

(B) I, IV, III, II

(C) II, IV, I, III

(D) I, III, IV, II

Answer: (B)

25. Which of the following poems deals with neighbourly relations?

(A) “Birches”

(B) “Home Burial”

(C) “Mending Wall”

(D) “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

Answer: (C)

26. The following are two lists of writers and their works. Match them:


I. Katherine Susannah Prichard

II. Colin Johnson

III. Sally Morgan

IV. Jack Davis


1. Barungin

2. My Place

3. Wild Cat Falling

4. Coonardoo

Which is the correct combination according to the above code?


(A) 3 2 1 4

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 2 1 4 3

(D) 1 4 3 2

Answer: (B)

27. How does John Stuart Mill define ‘happiness’?

(A) Doing what one wants to do

(B) Leading a fulfilling life

(C) Pleasure and the absence of pain

(D) Virtuous activity

Answer: (C)

28. “Had we but world enough, and time, this coyness, lady, were no crime … But at my back I always hear Time’s winged chariot hurrying near.” Andrew Marvell in these lines emphasizes the theme of

(A) Love

(B) Love and transience

(C) Love and political passion

(D) Love and flattery

Answer: (B)

29. The following are two lists of dramatists and their plays. Match them:


I. George Etheredge

II. William Wycherley

III. John Vanbrugh

IV. William Congreve


1. The Country Wife

2. The Man of Mode

3. The Double Dealer

4. The Provok’d Wife

The correct combination is:


(A) 2 3 4 1

(B) 3 2 1 4

(C) 4 3 2 1

(D) 2 1 4 3

Answer: (D)

30. The following are two lists of writers and their works. Match them:


1. Drums of My Flesh

2. Trishanku

3. Jasmine

4. Anil’s Ghost


I. Uma Parameswaran

II. Bharati Mukherjee

III. Michael Ondaatje

IV. Cyril Dabydeen

Which is the correct combination according to the above code?


(A) 1 3 2 4

(B) 3 4 1 2

(C) 2 3 4 1

(D) 4 1 3 2

Answer: (C)

31. Dryden’s dramatization of Paradise Lost is entitled

(A) All for Love

(B) The State of Innocence

(C) Annus Mirabilis

(D) Religio Medici

Answer: (B)

32. Two pioneering feminist tracts, Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics and Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch were published in

(A) 1969

(B) 1968

(C) 1970

(D) 1967

Answer: (C)

33. Who defined poetry as ‘the best words in the best order’?

(A) Wordsworth

(B) Coleridge

(C) Keats

(D) Shelley

Answer: (B)

34. What did Thomas Carlyle mean by “Close thy Byron; open thy Goethe”?

(A) Britain’s pre-eminence as a global power will depend on mastery of foreign languages.

(B) Abandon the introspection of the Romantics and turn to the higher moral purpose found in Goethe.

(C) Even a foreign author is better than a home-grown scoundrel.

(D) Leave England and immigrate to Germany.

Answer: (B)

35. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness presents two conflicting discourses present in his own culture. Identify the two discourses from the following:

(A) Modernism and anticolonialism

(B) Modernism and structuralism

(C) Anti-colonialism and Eurocentricism

(D) Material culturalism and tribalism

Answer: (C)

36. Who among the following poets defined free verse as playing tennis without a net?

(A) Robert Frost

(B) Ezra Pound

(C) Philip Larkin

(D) William Carlos Williams

Answer: (A)

37. Christopher Marlowe wrote all the following plays except

(A) Tamburlaine the Great

(B) The Jew of Malta

(C) Richard III

(D) Edward II

Answer: (C)

38. According to Barthes, a text which draws attention to its artifice, to the ways in which it is structured, is called

(A) Writerly text

(B) Aesthetic text

(C) Readerly text

(D) Formal text

Answer: (A)

39. Which of the following descriptions is not applicable to Pope’s The Rape of the Lock?

(A) A mock heroic poem

(B) Written in heroic couplets

(C) Pope’s tribute to Queen Anne

(D) Produced in two versions, consisting of 2 and 5 cantos

Answer: (C)

40. From the following list, choose the work which is not written by E.M. Forster:

(A) Where Angels Fear to Tread

(B) Maurice

(C) A Room of One’s Own

(D) The Longest Journey

Answer: (C)

41. The ‘Vulgate Bible’ was prepared to make the Bible available to

(A) The ecclesiastics

(B) The elite class

(C) The courtiers

(D) The common men

Answer: (D)

42. Literary works such as Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield, Samuel Butler’s The Way of All Flesh and James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man provide examples of which following novelistic form?

(A) Nouveau roman or new novel

(B) Epistolary novel

(C) Bildugsroman

(D) Historical novel

Answer: (C)

43. “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!” expresses a pathetic cry of a wounded heart from “Ode to the West Wind” by Shelley. The poem consists of

(A) Fourteen line terzarima stanzas

(B) four-lined stanza characterized by swift action

(C) A particular rhyme scheme in a villanelle

(D) An unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one

Answer: (A)

44. In the Fall of Hyperion Keats’s Muse figure is

(A) Thea

(B) Moneta

(C) Lamia

(D) Calliope

Answer: (B)

45. What literary work best captures a sense of the political turmoil particularly regarding the issue of religion just after the Restoration?

(A) Gay’s Beggar’s Opera

(B) Butler’s Hudibras

(C) Pope’s Dunciad

(D) Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel

Answer: (D)

46. Who among the Victorian authors has described himself/herself as an agnostic?

(A) Matthew Arnold

(B) Charles Dickens

(C) George Eliot

(D) Thomas Hardy

Answer: (C)

47. Preface to Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth was written by

(A) AimeCesaire

(B) AniaLoomba

(C) Jean Paul Sartre

(D) Edward Said

Answer: (C)

48. Who among the following theorists formulated the concept of the utile dulci, profit combined with delight?

(A) Plato

(B) Aristotle

(C) Horace

(D) Longinus

Answer: (C)

49. Out of the four humours of the body, the Jacobeans thought of themselves as especially prone to

(A) Choler

(B) Blood

(C) Phlegm

(D) Melancholy

Answer: (D)

50. Who among the following Romantic poets ended his life, lauded and respected as ‘The Sage of High gate’?

(A) William Blake

(B) S.T. Coleridge

(C) P.B. Shelley

(D) William Wordsworth

Answer: (B)

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