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PGT (2009)

PGT (2009)


Q.1) When did the first edition of Lyrical Ballads appear?

[1] 1698

[2] 1798

[3] 1898

[4] 1794

Answer: 1798

Q.2) To whom is Wordsworth’s autobiographical poem The prelude addressed?

[1] Jane Austen

[2] Coleridge

[3] Pope

[4] Dr. Johnson.

Answer: Coleridge

Q.3) In’ three years she grew’ the little girl will be sportive as

[1] The lawn

[2] The fawn

[3] Stars

[4] Rivulets

Answer: The fawn

Q.4) Which work was described by Keats as ‘a feverish attempt rather than a deed accomplished’?

[1] Endymion

[2] Hyperion

[3] The Eve of St. Agnes

[4] None of these

Answer: Endymion

Q.5) When did Keats die?

[1] 1795

[2] 1789

[3] 1821

[4] 1777

Answer: 1821

Q.6) Shelley’s Alastor is also called

[1] The Spirit of solitude

[2] Queen mab

[3] Stanzas written in dejection near Naples

[4] None of these

Answer: The Spirit of solitude

Q.7) Whose death is mourned by Shelley in Adonais?

[1] Keats

[2] Wordsworth

[3] Coleridge

[4] None of these

Answer: Keats

Q.8) Which of the following is not correctly matched?

[1] When the lips have spoken, love accents are soon forgot___when the lamp is shattered

[2] Nothing beside remains
Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck,
Boundless and bare,
The lone and level stands/stretch far away___Ozymandias

[3] Oh, lift me as a wave,
A leaf, a loud
I fall upon the thorns of
Life! I bleed! ___Ode to the west wind

[4] A heavy weight of
Hours has chained
And bowed
One too like thee: tameless,
And swift, and proud. __Adonais

Answer: A heavy weight of
Hours has chained
And bowed
One too like thee: tameless,
And swift, and proud. __Adonais

Q.9) Which of the following is not by dickens?

[1] The cricket on the hearth

[2] The old curiosity shop

[3] Barnaby Rudge

[4] Old fortunatus

Answer: Old fortunatus

Q.10) Which of the following is not correctly matched?

[1] Thomas grad grind___hard times

[2] Richard Carstone___bleak house

[3] Ada Clare___bleak house

[4] Abel Magwitch___Oliver twist

Answer: Abel Magwitch___Oliver twist

Q.11) Which is/are the novel/novels by hardy?

[1] The trumpet major

[2] Desperate remedies

[3] Jude the obscure

[4] All of these

Answer: All of these

Q.12) What is the title of hardy’s epic drama?

[1] The dynasts

[2] The mayor of Casterbridge

[3] Far from the madding crowd

[4] None of these

Answer: The dynasts

Q.13) Which one of the following is not a deama by Eliot

[1] Ash Wednesday

[2] Murder in the cathedral

[3] The family reunion

[4] The cocktail party

Answer: Ash Wednesday

Q.14) Who has written the book The art of T.S Eliot?

[1] Elizabeth drew

[2] Helen Gardner

[3] T.S Eliot

[4] Grover smith

Answer: Helen Gardner

Q.15) When was T.S Eliot born?

[1] 1888

[2] 1905

[3] 1906

[4] 1907

Answer: 1888

Q.16) One of the characters of Shakespeare has been called the fourth witch. She is

[1] Ophelia

[2] Lady Macbeth

[3] Emilia

[4] Juliet

Answer: Lady Macbeth

Q.17) Point out the figure of speech in the following line: O word! O life! O time!

[1] Apostrophe

[2] Climax

[3] Pun

[4] Personification

Answer: Apostrophe

Q.18) Who is the author of ‘Tintern abbey’?

[1] Matthew Arnold

[2] John Keats

[3] William Wordsworth

[4] Coleridge

Answer: William Wordsworth

Q.19) Michael Henchard began his life as a

[1] Driver

[2] Carpenter

[3] Weaver

[4] Hay-trusser

Answer: Hay-trusser

Q.20) Who has composed the following line? To me that cup has been dealt in another measure.

[1] John Keats

[2] Shakespeare

[3] Robert Southey

[4] P.B. Shelley

Answer: P.B. Shelley

Q.21) Hemingway the novelist was

[1] An American

[2] A British

[3] A Canadian

[4] A south African

Answer: An American

Q.22) T.S. Eliot’s The waste land was published in

[1] 1910

[2] 1918

[3] 1930

[4] 1922

Answer: 1922

Q.23) Point out the figure of speech in the following line: Where beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes.

[1] Pun

[2] Personification

[3] Simile

[4] Oxymoron

Answer: Personification

Q.24) Who has penned the following lines?
I am sinner,
I am saint. I am the beloved and the betrayed.

[1] Rabindranath Tagore

[2] Nissim Ezekiel

[3] Kamala das

[4] Sarojini Naidu

Answer: Kamala das

Q.25) The idiom ‘hush money’ means

[1] The money spent at midnight

[2] The bribe paid to keep some matter secret

[3] The money received in a dark room

[4] The money received in paper currency

Answer: The bribe paid to keep some matter secret

Q.26) Mark the part which contains an error in the following sentence. If there is no error in it, mark d. as your choice

[1] One should take advantage of opportunities to talk with native orators if one wants

[2] To improve his

[3] English

[4] No error

Answer: To improve his

Q.27) Mark the part which contains an error in the following sentence. If there is no error in it, mark d. as your choice:

[1] The great poet and dramatist, The Kalidas

[2] Is regarded

[3] As the Shakespeare of India

[4] No error

Answer: The great poet and dramatist, The Kalidas

Q.28) The antonym of ALACRITY is

[1] Inaptitude

[2] Hesitation

[3] Uncertainty

[4] Inability

Answer: Hesitation

Q.29) The synonym of AVIARY is

[1] Prison

[2] Reformatory

[3] Large cage for birds

[4] Zoo officer

Answer: Large cage for birds

Q.30) What is the meaning of the idiom “a flying visit”?

[1] A very short visit

[2] A visit to the space

[3] A visit by an aeroplane

[4] A visit on a gas-filled balloon

Answer: A very short visit

Q.31) Choose the most appropriate preposition:
The Indian magpie indulges ———- a long flight.

[1] With

[2] In

[3] At

[4] On

Answer: In

Q.32) “Seethe suggests

[1] Spill

[2] Catch

[3] Dry

[4] Boil

Answer: Boil

Q.33) The synonym of SARDONIC is

[1] Miserable

[2] Cruel

[3] Scornful

[4] Apparent

Answer: Scornful

Q.34) The antonym of ESOTERIC is

[1] Clear

[2] Transparent

[3] Simple

[4] Apparent

Answer: Simple

Q.35) The meaning of the idiom “a brain wave” is

[1] A wave passing through one’s brain

[2] Sudden inspiration

[3] A big fuss

[4] An invention

Answer: Sudden inspiration

Q.36) Choose the most appropriate preposition: The doctor advised him to abstain —– all alcoholic drinks

[1] At

[2] From

[3] By

[4] In

Answer: From

Q.37) A person who hates the institution of marriage is called

[1] Misogamist

[2] Pacifist

[3] Philogynist

[4] Pessimist

Answer: Misogamist

Q.38) A speech which is delivered without any previous preparation is called

[1] Maiden

[2] Extempore

[3] Meticulous

[4] Matin

Answer: Extempore

Q.39) One who eats everything is called

[1] Herbivorous

[2] Gregarious

[3] Credulous

[4] Omnivorous

Answer: Omnivorous

Q.40) An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise is called

[1] Pseudonym

[2] Neologism

[3] Loquacious

[4] Veteran

Answer: Pseudonym

Q.41) Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction: Though he is suffering much pain —– he does not complain.

[1] Yet

[2] But

[3] Else

[4] As

Answer: Yet

Q.42) Which of the following sentence is correct?

[1] He entered into the room

[2] He entered the room

[3] He entered in the room

[4] He entered to the room

Answer: He entered the room

Q.43) Which of the following sentence is correct?

[1] The meeting was adjourned owing to the want of quorum

[2] The meeting was adjourned due to want of quorum

[3] The meeting was adjourned for want of quorum

[4] None of these

Answer: The meeting was adjourned for want of quorum

Q.44) Fill in the blank with correct pronoun.
Our soldiers are better than—of the enemies

[1] Those

[2] These

[3] That

[4] Themselves

Answer: Those

Q.45) Fill in the blank with suitable adjective:
The book contains many— quotations.

[1] Martial

[2] Ambitious

[3] Biblical

[4] Ulterior

Answer: Biblical

Q.46) Choose the correct figure of speech in the following sentence: ‘The camel is the ship of the desert.’

[1] Metaphor

[2] Simile

[3] Hyperbole

[4] None of these

Answer: Metaphor

Q.47) Choose the correct figure of speech in the following sentence: “The quality of mercy is not strained, It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.”

[1] Metaphor

[2] Hyperbole

[3] Synecdoche

[4] Simile

Answer: Simile

Q.48) Change the following into an indirect statement and indicate the correct one:
He said to me, “what are you doing?”

[1] He said to me that what he was doing

[2] He said to me that what I was doing

[3] He asked me what I was doing

[4] He asked me what he was doing

Answer: He asked me what I was doing

Q.49) Which one of the following is the correct spelling?

[1] Haemorrhage

[2] Haemohage

[3] Haemorrhage

[4] Heamorhage

Answer: Haemorrhage

Q.50) Which one of the following is the correct spelling

[1] Ceasarean

[2] Caesaraen

[3] Caesarean

[4] Ceasaraen

Answer: Caesaraen

Q.51) In which Magazine were published the first series of ‘The Essays of Elia’?

[1] British magazine

[2] Swiss magazine

[3] American magazine

[4] London magazine

Answer: London magazine

Q.52) French revolution broke out in the year

[1] 1789

[2] 1798

[3] 1880

[4] 1785

Answer: 1789

Q.53) In which poem of Shelley do the following lines occur? “Alas! I have no hope nor health nor peace within nor calm around—-“

[1] Ode to the west wind

[2] Stanzas written in dejection

[3] To a skylark

[4] Adonais

Answer: Stanzas written in dejection

Q.54) By whom Shelley has been called as ‘perfect singing god’?

[1] Rossettee

[2] Arnold

[3] Swinburne

[4] Morris

Answer: Swinburne

Q.55) Who wrote the following line for Shelley? “…. he is a beautiful and ineffectual angel, beating in the void his luminous wings in vain.”

[1] Compton Rickett

[2] Walter pater

[3] Dr. Johnson

[4] Matthew Arnold

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.56) What is the real name of the poetess kamala das?

[1] Madhavi kutty

[2] Ratnavelli

[3] Kalluri Devi

[4] None of them

Answer: Madhavi kutty

Q.57) Nissim Ezekiel is a born

[1] British

[2] American

[3] Swiss

[4] Jew

Answer: Jew

Q.58) Who is the author of the poem ‘Enterprise’?

[1] Kamaladas

[2] Ezekiel

[3] Ramanujan

[4] None of them

Answer: Ezekiel

Q.59) The theme of alienation is central to the poetry of

[1] Nissim Ezekiel

[2] Kamala das

[3] Robert frost

[4] Walt Whiteman

Answer: Nissim Ezekiel

Q.60) Whiteman’s poem ‘crossing Brooklyn ferry’ contains

[1] Nine sections

[2] Eleven sections

[3] Thirteen sections

[4] None of these

Answer: Nine sections

Q.61) Which is the first section of Eliot’s The waste land?

[1] The burial of the dead

[2] A game of chess

[3] The fire sermon

[4] Death by water

Answer: The burial of the dead

Q.62) In which critical eassy did Eliot make the following statement?

“The historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from homer has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order.”

[1] Tradition and the Individual talent

[2] The Metaphysical poets

[3] Both of these

[4] None of these

Answer: Tradition and the Individual talent

Q.63) What is the title of kamala das autobiography?

[1] Summer in Calcutta

[2] The Descendants

[3] My story

[4] None of these

Answer: My story

Q.64) Which poem of kamala das has the following expression? “Why not leave
Me alone, critics, friends, visiting cousins, Every one of you? Why not let me speak in any language I like?”

[1] The maggots

[2] The doubt

[3] An introduction

[4] Luminol

Answer: An introduction

Q.65) When was Robert Frost born?

[1] 1874

[2] 1963

[3] 1706

[4] 1790

Answer: 1874

Q.66) Keats dropped the first stanza of one of his ‘Odes’ It was from

[1] Ode to psyche

[2] Ode to melancholy

[3] Ode to Apollo

[4] Ode on indolence

Answer: Ode to melancholy

Q.67) “The old playhouse” by kamala das is a poem of

[1] Surrender to male domination

[2] Protest against male domination

[3] Harmony between husband and wife

[4] Jealousy

Answer: Protest against male domination

Q.68) Who among the Indian politicians was inspired by the following lines?

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But in have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
Ans miles to go before I sleep,

[1] Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

[2] Dr. Rajendra Prasad

[3] M.K. Gandhi

[4] Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

Answer: Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

Q.69) Point out the figure of speech in the following line:
Like a patient etherized upon a table

[1] Metaphor

[2] Climax

[3] Simile

[4] Personification

Answer: Climax

Q.70) Which of the following novels is not by Mulk Raj Anand?

[1] Untouchable

[2] Coolie

[3] Two leaves and a bud

[4] The second wife

Answer: The second wife

Q.71) Who was the father of Matthew Arnold?

[1] Edwin Arnold

[2] Thomas Arnold

[3] A.H. clough

[4] None of them

Answer: Thomas Arnold

Q.72) Whose death was commemorated by Arnold in Thyrsis?

[1] Arthur Hugh clough

[2] Tennyson

[3] Edwin Arnold

[4] None of them

Answer: Arthur Hugh clough

Q.73) Arnold’s celebrated poem ‘The scholar gypsy’ is based on an old legend, narrated by Glanvil in

[1] The schoolmaster

[2] Palmerin of England

[3] The vanity of Dogmatizing

[4] The shepherd of Salisbury plain

Answer: The vanity of Dogmatizing

Q.74) In whose memory was ‘In memoriam’ written?

[1] Arthur H. Hallam

[2] Alexander pope

[3] Robert browning

[4] None of them

Answer: Arthur H. Hallam

Q.75) Which poem of Tennyson contains the following lines?

Yet all experience is an arch wherethro’
Gleams that untraveled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move

[1] Crossing the bar

[2] Ulysses

[3] Tears, idle tears

[4] The lotos-eaters

Answer: Ulysses

Q.76) Which poem of Keats has the following lines?

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter: therefore, ye soft pipes, play on.

[1] Ode on a Grecian urn

[2] Ode to a nightingale

[3] Ode on melancholy

[4] None of these

Answer: Ode on a Grecian urn

Q.77) When was lamb born?

[1] 1775

[2] 1834

[3] 1744

[4] 1829

Answer: 1775

Q.78) Which pseudonym was adopted by lamb for his essays?

[1] Elia

[2] Charles

[3] Lamb

[4] None of these

Answer: Elia

Q.79) Which of the following is not a work by lamb

[1] The old familiar faces

[2] John woodvil

[3] Hester

[4] Lalla rookh

Answer: Lalla rookh

Q.80) How many acts are there in Shelley’s lyrical drama Prometheus unbound?

[1] One

[2] Three

[3] Four

[4] Five

Answer: Four

Q.81) which one of the following is not a pastoral elegy?

[1] Milton’s Lycidas

[2] Shelley’s Adonais

[3] Arnold’s Thyrsis

[4] Pope’s the rape of the lock

Answer: Pope’s the rape of the lock

Q.82) Which of the following is correctly matched?

[1] Hyperbole___A figure of speech in which emphasis is achieved by deliberate exaggeration.

[2] Oxymoron___A figure of speech consisting generally of two apparently contradictory terms that express a startling paradox.

[3] Metaphor___A figure of speech in which two unlike objects are compared by identification or by the substitution of one for the other.

[4] All of three options are matched correctly.

Answer: All of three options are matched correctly

Q.83) When was Shakespearean born?

[1] 1564

[2] 1616

[3] 1671

[4] 1713

Answer: 1564

Q.84) Who has spoken the following words in Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

The sleeping and the dead
Are but as pictures: ‘tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil.

[1] First witch

[2] Second witch

[3] Third witch

[4] None of them

Answer: None of them

Q.85) Which of the following is a poem by Wordsworth?

[1] Daffodils

[2] On first looking into chapman’s homer

[3] The forsaken mesman

[4] The last ride together

Answer: Daffodils

Q.86) Choose the correctly spelt word:

[1] Farenheit

[2] Ferenheit

[3] Fahrenheit

[4] Fahrenheight

Answer: Fahrenheit

Q.87) “Archaic” means

[1] Decent

[2] Clumsy

[3] Modern

[4] Primitive

Answer: Primitive

Q.88) The antonym of BELLIGERENT is

[1] Cooperative

[2] Peaceful

[3] Revolutionary

[4] Uninterested

Answer: Peaceful

Q.89) Choose the most appropriate preposition:
A good judge never jumps……the conclusion.

[1] To

[2] Into

[3] On

[4] For

Answer: To

Q.90) Mark the part which contains an error in the following sentence. If there is no error in it, mark d. as your choice.

[1] Although

[2] There are some similarities in the qualifications of the two candidates.

[3] The differences among them are quite pronounced

[4] No error

Answer: The differences among them are quite pronounced

Q.91) “Abysmal” means

[1] Vigour

[2] Explosion

[3] Horrifying

[4] Mixed

Answer: Horrifying

Q.92) “Harangue” implies

[1] Lecture

[2] Quarrel

[3] Beautify

[4] Run

Answer: Lecture

Q.93) “Goulash” stands for

[1] Top

[2] Stew

[3] Shoe

[4] Play

Answer: Stew

Q.94) “Impromptu” means

[1] Unimportant

[2] unreal

[3] Offhand

[4] Effective

Answer: Offhand

Q.95) The synonym of PONTIFICAL is

[1] Boastful

[2] Wordy

[3] Splendid

[4] Advisory

Answer: Splendid

Q.96) Choose the most appropriate preposition:
The patient was disappointed…. not finding the doctor in his seat.

[1] At

[2] On

[3] From

[4] In

Answer: At

Q.97) The synonym of VANGUARD is

[1] Watchmen

[2] Protectors

[3] Security men

[4] Forefront

Answer: Forefront

Q.98) The antonym of UNIMPEACHABLE is

[1] Corruptible

[2] Blameworthy

[3] Calculating

[4] Mysterious

Answer: Blameworthy

Q.99) Choose the most appropriate preposition:
Your conduct smacks…. recklessness.

[1] In

[2] From

[3] With

[4] Of

Answer: Of

Q.100) Choose the correctly spelt word:

[1] Souvenir

[2] Suvenire

[3] Suvenir

[4] Souvenire

Answer: Souvenir

Q.101) Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Nobel prize for the novel

[1] For whom the bell tolls

[2] The old man and the sea

[3] A farewell to arms

[4] The sun also rises

Answer: The old man and the sea

Q.102) The character ‘Robert Jordan’ figures in

[1] For whom the bell tolls

[2] The old man and the sea

[3] In our times

[4] A farewell to arms

Answer: For whom the bell tolls

Q.103) From which poem of Whitman are the following lines taken?

O powerful western fallen star!
O shades of night-O moody, tearful night!

[1] O captain! my captain!

[2] When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed

[3] Crossing Brooklyn ferry

[4] None of these

Answer: When lilacs last in the dooryard bloomed

Q.104) From which poem of Robert frost are the following lines taken?

“They click upon themselves
As the breeze rises, and turn many coloured…”

[1] Birches

[2] After apple picking

[3] Mending wall

[4] The road not taken

Answer: Birches

Q.105) Which play of Shakespeare opens with the line “ If music be the food of love, play on:”?

[1] The tempest

[2] Twelfth night

[3] Macbeth

[4] Romeo and Juliet

Answer: Twelfth night

Q.106) In which poem do the following lines occur?

“They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude.”

[1] The education of nature

[2] Daffodils

[3] The world is too much with us

[4] Tintern abbey

Answer: Daffodils

Q.107) “Sir Bedivere” figure in the poem

[1] Morte D’ Arthur

[2] The princess

[3] Locksley hall

[4] Jean, idle, jean

Answer: Morte D’ Arthur

Q.108) Who is the author of the poem ‘Shakespeare’?

[1] Tennyson

[2] Browning

[3] Matthew Arnold

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.109) Who has been regarded as a representative Victorian novelist?

[1] Charles dickens

[2] Charles Reade

[3] Charles Kingsley

[4] Thackeray

Answer: Charles dickens

Q.110) “Under the greenwood tree” is a novel by

[1] Thomas hardy

[2] Charles dickens

[3] Thackeray

[4] George Eliot

Answer: Thomas hardy

Q.111) Who was ‘Machiavelli’?

[1] A Florentine statesman

[2] An American statesman

[3] An Italian statesman

[4] A French statesman

Answer: An Italian statesman

Q.112) For whom Keats used the term ‘Egotistical sublime’?

[1] Coleridge

[2] Shelley

[3] Byron

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Wordsworth

Q.113) Who was the father of ‘Eassais’?

[1] Montague

[2] Rousseau

[3] Wyatt

[4] Dowden

Answer: Montague

Q.114) The eassy ‘south sea house’ has been written by

[1] Bacon

[2] Lamb

[3] Stevenson

[4] Addison

Answer: Lamb

Q.115) Who used the epithet ‘gentle hearted Charles’, for Charles lamb?

[1] Wordsworth

[2] Keats

[3] Browning

[4] Coleridge

Answer: Coleridge

Q.116) Fill in the blank with most appropriate choice:
The sun …… the fog disappeared.

[1] Is rising

[2] Have risen

[3] Having risen

[4] Rises

Answer: Having risen

Q.117) Which kind of sentence is the following?
He confessed that he had committed the crime.

[1] Complex

[2] Compound

[3] Simple

[4] None of these

Answer: Complex

Q.118) What is the meaning of the word ‘Demagogue’

[1] An unprincipled popular leader

[2] A leader who changes political parties

[3] A leader who is committed to the nation

[4] None of these

Answer: An unprincipled popular leader

Q.119) ‘Menagerie’ is the place for

[1] Fish and water plants

[2] Wild animals and birds

[3] Ammunition and weapons

[4] Invalids to enjoy good health

Answer: Wild animals and birds

Q.120) Choose the correct antonym of the word ‘Prodigality’

[1] Parsimony

[2] Frugal

[3] Economical

[4] Spendthrift

Answer: Economical

Q.121) A teetotaler is

[1] One who totally abstains from wine

[2] One who does not take any intoxicating drinks

[3] One who is very fond of sensuous enjoyments

[4] One who has irresistible desire for alcohol

Answer: One who does not take any intoxicating drinks

Q.122) Replace the italicized portion in the following sentence with one phrase:
In the present times, the real sufferers are the people belonging to the middle classes of society

[1] Bourgeoisie

[2] Elite

[3] Inter alia

[4] None of these

Answer: Bourgeoisie

Q.123) What is the correct meaning of the idiom “To meet one’s waterloo”?

[1] To meet a new person

[2] To visit a new place

[3] To meet one’s final defeat

[4] None of these

Answer: To meet one’s final defeat

Q.124) What do you mean by the idiom “yeoman’s service”?

[1] Private work

[2] Govt. work

[3] Meanest work

[4] Excellent work

Answer: Excellent work

Q.125) Ganga is …… sacred river

[1] The

[2] A

[3] An

[4] None

Answer: A

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