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PGT (2006)

PGT (2006)


Q.1) Point out the figure of speech in the following line. “The ploughman homeward plods his weary way.”

[1] Metaphor

[2] Personification

[3] Transferred Epithet

[4] Hyperbole

Answer: Transferred Epithet

Q.2) To which character in Shakespeare’s Hamlet does the following description apply? “The tedious wiseacre who meddles his way to his doom”

[1] Claudius

[2] Hamlet

[3] Polonius

[4] Rosencrantz

Answer: Polonius

Q.3) Who wrote Sohrab and Rustum?

[1] Wordsworth

[2] Swinburne

[3]* Matthew Arnold

[4] Tennyson

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.4) Who praised Shakespeare thus? “Others abide our question thou art free We ask and ask __ Thou smilest and art still”

[1] Dr. Johnson

[2] Matthew Arnold

[3] Coleridge

[4] T.S Eliot

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.5) Who is ‘Thyrsis’ in the poem of the same name?

[1] Percy Bysshe Shelley

[2] Arthur huge clough

[3] Arthur Hallam

[4] Edward king

Answer: Arthur huge clough

Q.6) Which of the following novels of Dickens was left unfinished?

[1] A tale of two cities

[2] Bleak house

[3] The mystery of Edwin Drood

[4] The old curiosity shop

Answer: The mystery of Edwin Drood

Q.7) Nissim Ezekiel’s poem, ‘Background, casually’ reflects:

[1] Feeling of Alienation

[2] His Love for Rural Life

[3] His Love for Religion

[4] None of The Above

Answer: Feeling of Alienation

Q.8) Point out the figure of speech in the following: “Little sorrows sit and weep”

[1] Personification

[2] Simile

[3] Pun

[4] Oxymoron

Answer: Personification

Q.9) Frederick henry, the hero of Hemingway’s novel, A Farewell to arms, is a driver in:

[1] Italian army

[2] British army

[3] American army

[4] German army

Answer: Italian army

Q.10) Who is the author of the Unvanquished?

[1] F. Scott Fitzgerald

[2] O’ Henry

[3] Henry Sinclair Lewis

[4] William Cuthbert Faulkner

Answer: William Cuthbert Faulkner

Q.11) Santiago is the hero of Hemingway’s novel:

[1] For whom the bell tolls

[2] The old man and the sea

[3] A farewell to arms

[4] The sun also rises

Answer: The old man and the sea

Q.12) what was the origin of the race of Nissim Ezekiel?

[1] Bene Israel

[2] Indian Christian

[3] Dravidian

[4] Latin American

Answer: Bene Israel

Q.13) In which year did Robert frost sell his farm in new England and move to England

[1] 1910

[2] 1911

[3] 1912

[4] 1913

Answer: 1912

Q.14) Who has called Shelley a ‘perfect singing god’?

[1] A.C Swinburne

[2] William Morris

[3] Matthew Arnold

[4] S.A Brooke

Answer: A.C Swinburne

Q.15) Munno is the central character of M.R Anand’s novel?

[1] Coolie

[2] Untouchable

[3] Two leaves and a bud

[4] The village

Answer: Coolie

Q.16) Who said, “The poet is a man speaking to men”?

[1] T.S Eliot

[2] S.T. Coleridge

[3] Dr. Samuel Johnson

[4] William Wordsworth

Answer: William Wordsworth

Q.17) The romantic poetry is a revival of:

[1] Classicism

[2] Romanticism

[3] Medievalism

[4] Humanism

Answer: Medievalism

Q.18) ‘The dance of Eunuchs’ has been written by:

[1] Sylvia Plath

[2] Sarojini Naidu

[3] Kamala das

[4] Nissim Ezekiel

Answer: Kamala das

Q.19) How many times did Robert frost win the prestigious Pulitzer Prize?

[1] Once

[2] Twice

[3] Thrice

[4] Never

Answer: Never

Q.20 “The rest is silence” __ These are the last words of ——— before his death in Shakespeare.

[1] Caesar

[2] Macbeth

[3] Hamlet

[4] Lear

Answer: Hamlet

Q.21) The ‘iambic pentameter’ implies which of the following?

[1] Five syllables in the pattern unstressed stressed

[2] Five syllables in the pattern stressed-unstressed

[3] The pattern stressed-unstressed repeated five times

[4] The pattern unstressed-stressed repeated five times

Answer: Five syllables in the pattern unstressed stressed

Q.22) Which work was left incomplete because of Hemingway’s death?

[1] Island in the stream

[2] A moveable feast

[3] The garden of Eden

[4] The Dangerous summer

Answer: The garden of Eden

Q.23) The rhetorical device of ‘anaphora’ implies which of the following?

[1] A certain metrical arrangement in lines

[2] Use of circumlocution in phraseology

[3] Juxtaposting the abstract with the concrete

[4] Repeating the first word or words of successive sentences or clauses


Q.24) Which of the following works is not associated with Matthew Arnold?

[1] Culture and environment

[2] Dover Beach

[3] Thyris

[4] Empedocles on Etna

Answer: Culture and environment

Q.25) The Waste land was first published in the year:

[1] 1922

[2] 1932

[3] 1942

[4] 1912

Answer: 1922

Q.26) The lake district in England is associated with:

[1] William Blake

[2] William Collins

[3] William Shakespeare

[4] William Wordsworth

Answer: William Wordsworth

Q.27) Essays of Elia is:

[1] Full of Didactic Sermonizing

[2] Practically Autobiographical Fragments

[3] Remarkable for Their Terse and Aphoristic Style

[4] Satirical and Critical

Answer: Practically Autobiographical Fragments

Q.28) Milton’s Samson agnosites is:

[1] An elegy

[2] An ode

[3] A classical

[4] A classical tragedy

Answer: A classical tragedy

Q.29) “Good fences make good neighbours. “This line occurs in which poem of frost?

[1] Birches

[2] Mending wall

[3] Road not taken

[4] Two Tramps in mud time

Answer: Mending wall

Q.30) Which of the following is a work of Ezekiel?

[1] A time to change

[2] Rough Passage

[3] Summer

[4] None of the above

Answer: A time to change

Q.31) The name of Macbeth’s wife in the Shakespearean play is:

[1] Cordelia

[2] Calpurnia

[3] Desdemona

[4] None of the above

Answer: None of the above

Q.32) The figure of speech used in the following sentences is: “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”

[1] Antithesis

[2] Oxymoron

[3] Hyperbole

[4] Synecdoche

Answer: Hyperbole

Q.33) Who first imported sonnet to England?

[1] Sir Philip Sidney

[2] Sir Thomas Wyatt

[3] Shakespeare

[4] Milton

Answer: Sir Thomas Wyatt

Q.34) Which one of the following theatre companies was owned by Shakespeare where his masterpieces were first performed?

[1] Wooden

[2] Globe

[3] Rose

[4] Curtain

Answer: Globe

Q.35) “To follow knowledge like a sinking star Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.”

[1] P.B Shelley

[2] William Blake

*3] Alfred Tennyson

[4] Robert browning

Answer: Alfred Tennyson

Q.36) “O God! O God! How weary, stale and unprofitable seems to me all the uses of this world! “Which of Shakespeare’ tragic heroes utters these words?

[1] Hamlet

[2] Macbeth

[3] Othello

[4] King Lear

Answer: Hamlet

Q.37) Which of the following novels of Hemingway deals with his actual disappointing experiences of love and war?

[1] A farewell to arms

[2] To have and have not

[3] Across the river and into the trees

[4] The sun also rises

Answer: A farewell to arms

Q.38) In Yeats’ poem sailing to Byzantium, ‘Byzantium’ refers to:

[1] Constantinople

[2] Himalayas

[3] Athens

[4] Jerusalem

Answer: Jerusalem

Q.39) Tennyson’s poetry represents:

[1] Victorian prudery

[2] Victorian spirit of question and loss of faith

[3] Victorian compromise

[4] Victorian pessimism

Answer: Victorian compromise

Q.40) Who coined the phrase” Poetry is the criticism of life”?

[1] T.S Eliot

[2] F.L Lucas

[3] F.R Leavis

[4] Matthew Arnold

Answer: Matthew Arnold

Q.41) ‘Philip prip’ is a character in Charles Dickens’ novel:

[1] A tale of two cities

[2] Great Expectations

[3] Oliver Twist

[4] David Copperfield

Answer: Great Expectations

Q.42) Who wrote the poem ‘The Triumph of life’?

[1] Keats

[2] Tennyson

[3] Shelley

[4] Wordsworth

Answer: Shelley

Q.43) “Let knowledge grow from more to more but more of reverence in us dwell” In which poem of Tennyson do we find the above quoted lines?

[1] Ulysses

[2] Morte’ d’ Arthur

[3] In memoriam

[4] Locksley Hall

Answer: In memoriam

Q.44) Who is the most furious character in Fagin ‘den in dickens’ Oliver Twist?

[1] Dodger

[2] Chitling

[3] Bates

[4] Bill sikes

Answer: Bill sikes

Q.45) What can be the best explanation for the character of john Falstaff in Shakespeare’s Henry IV?

[1] Simple

[2] Complex

[3] Novice

[4] Caricature


Q.46) In which play of Shakespeare do the characters ‘Voltemand and ‘Cornelius’ appear?

[1] The merchant of Venice

[2] Hamlet

[3] Much Ado about nothing

[4] Macbeth

Answer: Hamlet

Q.47) Keats’ poetry is “abundantly and enchantingly sensuous”. Who has made this comment about the poetry of Keats?

[1] Matthew Arnold

[2] H.W. Garrod

[3] Middleton Murry

[4] Oliver Elton


Q.48) “No nightingale did ever chant more welcome notes to weary bands Of travelers in some shady haunt Among Arabian sands” Wherefrom the above quoted lines of Wordsworth are taken?

[1] Solitary Reaper

[2] Ode to a Nightingale

[3] To the cuckoo

[4] To a skylark

Answer: Solitary Reaper

Q.49) In which famous poem does Walt Whitman make a reference to Suez canal and wire line across the Atlantic?

[1] O Captain, my captain!

[2] Passage to India

[3] Earth my likeness

[4] Prayer of Columbus

Answer: Passage to India

Q.50) Which of the following is the first poem of Eliot’s first published volume of verse?

[1] The waste land

[2] The hollow man

[3] The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock

[4] Gerontion

Answer: The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Q.51) The term ‘Essay is the derivative of the French root ‘essai’ which means:

[1] To compose

[2] To go on a walk

[3] To try

[4] To express


Q.52) Matthew Arnold’s ‘Rugby Chapel’ commemorates:

[1] the death of his father

[2] the death of his friend

[3] the death of a girl

[4] the death of his relative

Answer: the death of his father

Q.53) Who has written the essay, ‘The old benchers of the inner temple’?

[1] Hazlitt

[2] Bacon

[3] Charles lamb

[4] Matthew Arnold

Answer: Charles lamb

Q.54) Ernest Hemingway’s men at war is:

[1] A novel

[2] A collection of short stories

[3] An essay

[4] An autobiography

Answer: A collection of short stories

Q.55) “The analogy was that of the catalyst. When the two gases, previously mentioned, are mixed in the presence of a filament of platinum, they form sulphurous acid. This acid contains no trace of platinum and the platinum itself is apparently unaffected; he remained inert, neutral and unchanged. The mind of the poet is the shred of platinum.” The above lines are an extract from T.S Eliot’s essay:

[1] Hamlet and his problems

[2] The perfect critic

[3] The imperfect critic

[4] Tradition and individual talent

Answer: Tradition and individual talent

Q.56) Choose the misspelt word:

[1] Subsistence

[2] Mismerise

[3] Anamolous

[4] Ninth

Answer: Anamolous

Q.57) Find out the correctly spelt word from the following:

[1] Concomitent

[2] Concupiscence

[3] Concurdant

[4] Condescensition

Answer: Concupiscence

Q.58 Find out the correct spelling:

[1] Rheumatic

[2] Rheumetic

[3] Rhumetic

[4] Rhumatic

Answer: Rheumatic

Q.59) Which of the following is the correct spelling?

[1] Iriconiliable

[2] Irriconciliable

[3] Irreconcilable

[4] Irreconceliable

Answer: Irreconcilable

Q.60) Choose the correct meaning of the word ‘peruse’:

[1] To lie under oath

[2] To argue convincingly

[3] To read thoroughly

[4] To look for the clues

Answer: To read thoroughly

Q.61) Choose the correct word to fill in the blank in the sentence given below: Wordsworth was a great lover of natural scenery and____

[1] Cite

[2] Site

[3] Sight

[4] Shite

Answer: Sight

Q.62) Choose the most appropriate one-word substitute for the expression given below: ‘an office with good salary but no work’

[1] Gratis

[2] Honorary

[3] Discretionary

[4] Sinecure

Answer: Sinecure

Q.63) Choose the correct meaning of the following idiom out of the four options given after it: ‘black and blue’

[1] Multicoloured

[2] In a severe manner

[3] In a mixed manner

[4] In a attractive manner

Answer: In a severe manner

Q.64) Choose the most appropriate one-word substitute for the expression given below: ‘a supporter of the cause of women’

[1] Feminine

[2] Feminist

[3] Effeminate

[4] Sophist

Answer: Feminist

Q.65) Choose the correct word for the expression given below: ‘a room for the display of works of art’

[1] Artery

[2] Artillery

[3] Gallery

[4] Library

Answer: Gallery

Q.66) Select the best choice to replace the underlined expression in the following sentence: Aditya was not selected for the job of a medical officer because he was wet behind the ears.

[1] Underage

[2] Inexperienced

[3] Ill-mannered

[4] Untrustworthy

Answer: Inexperienced

Q.67) With a high hand’ means:

[1] In a praiseworthy way

[2] In a dictatorial way

[3] In a hasty way

[5] In a honorable way

Answer: In a dictatorial way

Q.68) Which of the following means ‘a charlatan’?

[1] Who pretends to have more skill than he really has

[2] A modest woman

[3] A gentleman

[4] A milkman

Answer: Who pretends to have more skill than he really has

Q.69) The appropriate meaning of ‘EL Dorado’ is.

[1] An attainable thing

[2] An approachable thing

[3] An unattainable thing

[4] An invincible thing

Answer: An unattainable thing

Q.70) Fill in the blank with appropriate word: The tree was____with fruits.

[1] Load

[2] Loaded

[3] Laden

[4] Loading

Answer: Laden

Q71) Which of the following sentences is the correct one?

[1] The ship let go its anchor.

[2] Let the ship go its anchor.

[3] Let its anchor go the ship.

[4] Its anchor let the ship go.

Answer: The ship let go its anchor.

Q.72) Find out the correct conversation of the following direct speech into indirect narration: “please, please, don’t drink too much. Remember that you’ll have to drive home”, she said to him.

[1] She forbade him not to drink too much, reminding him that he would have to drive home.

[2] She begged him not to drink too much, reminding him that he would have to drive home.

[3] She requested him again and again that he should not drink too much. She told him to remember that he will have to drive home.

[4] She said to him please did not drink too much and remember that he’ll have to drive home.

Answer: She begged him not to drink too much, reminding him that he would have to drive home.

Q.73) Which of the given options is the correct indirect form of speech of the following sentences? “wish you a happy journey, ”Neeta said to me”

[1] Neeta told me that I should wish a happy journey.

[2] Neeta wished me a happy journey.

[3] Neeta wished me that I wish a happy journey.

[4] Neeta told me to have a happy journey.

Answer: Neeta wished me a happy journey.

Q.74) Point out the correct indirect form of:

The mother said,” Do not go out in rain.”

[1] Mother requested (him) not to go out in rain.

[2] Mother pleaded not to go out in rain.

[3] Mother suggested (me) not to go out in rain.

[4] Mother forbade (her) to go out in rain.

Answer: Mother forbade (her) to go out in rain.

Q.75) Complete the following sentence with appropriate word:

Please refer to the subject _____ above

[1] Sighted

[2] Cited

[3] Sited

[4] Sided

Answer: Cited

Q.76) He jumped off the bus while it____

[1] Moved

[2] Was Moving

[3] Had Moved

[4] Had Been Moving

Answer: Was Moving

Q.77) Which of the following sentences is correct?

[1] Full many a flowers are born to blush unseen.

[2] Full many a flower are born to blush unseen.

[3] Full many a flower is born to blush unseen.

[4] Full many a flower is born to blush unseen.

Answer: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen.

Q.78) I am looking forward to______

[1] See My Friend

[2] Seeing My Friend

[3] Have Seen My Friend

[4] Having Been Seen My Friend

Answer: Seeing My Friend

Q.79) The gardens in Srinagar are more beautiful than ___

[1] This Is Mysore

[2] That in Mysore

[3] These of Mysore

[4] Those in Mysore

Answer: Those in Mysore

Q.80) Fill in the blank in the following sentence with correct preposition:

My friend came all the way from Kathmandu to congratulate me ___ my success.

[1] For

[2] At

[3] Over

[4] On

Answer: On

Q.81) Which of the following sentences is correct one?

[1] I went there with a view to meet him.

[2] I went there with a view to meeting him.

[3] I went there for a view to meeting him.

[4] I went there with views to meeting him.

Answer: I went there with a view to meeting him.

Q.82) Fill in the blank with appropriate tense: I wish I___ dead

[1] Shall

[2] Will

[3] May

[4] Were

Answer: Were

Q.83) Find out the correctly spelt word:

[1] Monstrous

[2] Monsterous

[3] Monstorous

[4] Monstoros

Answer: Monstrous

Q.84) In a state or society human beings are associated with one another in terms of:

[1] Love

[2] Friendship

[3] Business Concerns

[4] Laws

Answer: Laws

Q.85) In the context of the passage, which of the following statements is not correct?

[1] All human relationships are based on laws.

[2] There are different modes of relationships among human beings.

[3] Legal relationships can be indisputably blended with non legal relationships.

[4] There is no contradiction between a civil and an ecclesiastical relationship.

Answer: Legal relationships can be indisputably blended with non legal relationships.

Q.86) Throughout the passage, the term, ‘mode’ implies

[1] Style

[2] Rule

[3] Form

[4] Manner

Answer: Rule

Q.87) In the phrase ‘contingent assemblages’, contingent means:

[1] Accidental

[2] Convenient

[3] Specific

[4] Representative

Answer: Specific

Q.88) Which of the following statements is true about ‘the rule of law’?

[1] In spite of difference, human beings can accept the same modal character

[2] Human beings cannot be subjected to the same ‘rule of law’

[3] All men and women being alike, the same ‘rule of law’ is not difficult to endorse.

[4] Human beings are too egoistical to accept a common ‘rule of law’.

Answer: All men and women being alike, the same ‘rule of law’ is not difficult to endorse

Q.89) The tone of the passage is:

[1] Critical

[2] Expository

[3] Descriptive

[4] Narrative

Answer: Expository

Q.90) Every

[1] One of Us A.

[2] Should Do Our Duty.

[3] To the Country.

[4] No Error.

Answer: No Error

Q.91) Neither ram

[1] Nor His Parents

[2] Are

[3] To Blame

[4] No Error

Answer: No Error

Q.92) Very Few People

[1] Now

[2] Believe

[3] That the Wages of Sin Are Death

[4] No Error

Answer: That the Wages of Sin Are Death

Q.93) Fill in the blank with the correct preposition choosing from those given below:

The cat is hiding ___us.

[1] With

[2] From

[3] Of

[4] Of

Answer: From

Q.94) Choose the correct option to fill in the correct tense of verb in the following:

I waited for my friend until he___

[1] Had Come

[2] Will Come

[3] Came

[4] Comes

Answer: Came

Q.95) Fill in the blank

Silkworm feed …. Mulberry trees.

[1] At

[2] On

[3] By

[4] After

Answer: On

Q.96) Choose the correct transformation of the following sentence from complex to simple

While there is life, there is hope.

[1] So Long as There Is Life, There Is Hope

[2] Life and Hope Are Inseparable

[3] Until There Is Hope, There Is Life

[4] Where the Life Is, The Hope Is There

Answer: Life and Hope Are Inseparable

Q.97) I do not agree____your proposal.

[1] With

[2] From

[3] To

[4] On

Answer: With

Q.98) The word ‘furtive’ means

[1] Stealthy

[2] Quick

[3] Nervous

[4] Jerky

Answer: Stealthy

Q.99) Find out the correct meaning of ‘stimulate’

[1] Move

[2] Push

[3] Rouse Interest

[4] Pretend

Answer: Rouse Interest

Q.100) PERPETUAL means:

[1] Rigid

[2] Holy

[3] Eternal

[4] Rude

Answer: Eternal

Q.101) The word ‘disparity’ means

[1] Inequality

[2] Irregularity

[3] Impoliteness

[4] Unhappiness

Answer: Inequality

Q.102) Chronicle plays were very popular in:

[1] 19th century

[2] 18th century

[3] 17th century

[4] 16th century

Answer: 16th century

Q.103) ‘Lyrical Ballads’ was first published in:

[1] 1797

[2] 1798

[3] 1799

[4] 1796

Answer: 1798

Q.104) A long poem entitled Endymion is written by:

[1] Shakespeare

[2] Browning

[3] Keats

[4] Shelley

Answer: Keats

Q.105) Robert browning is famous for his:

[1] Novels

[2] Short Stories

[3] Dramatic Monologues

[4] Plays

Answer: Dramatic Monologues

Q.106) T.S Eliot declared himself to be a:

[1] Romanticist

[2] Poetic Dramatist

[3] Painter

[4] Catholic

Answer: Poetic Dramatist

Q.107) Who said, “poetry is not a turning loose of emotion but an escape from emotion”?

[1] Shakespeare

[2] Keats

[3] Eliot

[4] Arnold

Answer: Eliot

Q.108) The phrase ‘stream of consciousness’ was first used by:

[1] William Harvey

[2] William James

[3] William jones

[4] William porter

Answer: William James

Q.109) In which poem does Tennyson commemorate his friend ‘Arthur Hallam’?

[1] The princess

[2] Enoch Arden

[3] In memoriam

[4] Ulysses

Answer: In memoriam

Q.110) In which poem has Wordsworth described different moods of nature?

[1] The daffodils

[2] Lines written above Tintern abbey

[3] An evening walk

[4] The excursion

Answer: Lines written above Tintern abbey

Q.111) Which of the following is not an essay by Charles lamb?

[1] Night Fears

[2] Christ’s hospital

[3] Going on A Journey

[4] Poor Relations

Answer: Going on A Journey

Q.112) The idiom ‘Double Dutch ‘means:

[1] Language spoken by the Dutch

[2] Unintelligible Language

[3] Long Distance March

[4] Two Natives of The Netherlands

Answer: Unintelligible Language

Q.113) Choose the correct meaning of the following idiom out of the four responses given after it: ‘in cold blood’:

[1] Indifferently

[2] Deliberately

[3] Unintentionally

[4] In Anger

Answer: Deliberately

Q.114) What does the underlined expression mean? Every verdict that he gave was sui generis.

[1] Well-Balanced

[2] Sensational

[3] Challengeable

[4] Unique

Answer: Unique

Q.115) That which stays for a long time is:

[1] Everlasting

[2] Permanent

[3] Durable

[4] Eternal

Answer: Eternal

Q.116) What does the idiom ‘Penelope’s web’ mean?

[1] A Complicated Web

[2] A Complicated Situation

[3] An Unending Work

[4] An Unending Life

Answer: An Unending Work

Q.117) what is the meaning of the idiom ‘ins and outs?

[1] Outside and Back Side

[2] Internally

[3] Full Details

[4] Partly

Answer: Full Details

Q.118) The antonym of GENUINE is:

[1] Beautiful

[2] Ugly

[3] Brave

[4] Spurious

Answer: Spurious

Q.119) The antonym of VOLUNTEER is:

[1] Support

[2] Defeat

[3] Conscript

[4] Provoke

Answer: Provoke

Q.120) The antonym of AGILE is:

[1] Swift

[2] Hard

[3] Feeble

[4] Slow

Answer: Slow

Q.121) Give the correct antonym of the word ‘prodigal’

[1] Ardent

[2] Extravagant

[3] Frugal

[4] Liberal

Answer: Frugal

Q.122) The Synonym Of AMNESTY Is:

[1] Penalty

[2] Justice

[3] Pardon

[4] Release

Answer: Pardon

Q.123) The Synonym of ADROIT Is:

[1] Skillful

[2] Cunning

[3] Villainous

[4] Wicked

Answer: Skillful

Q.124) The synonym of APEX is:

[1] Peak

[2] Underground

[3] Qualified

[4] Greedy

Answer: Peak

Q.125) The synonym of FELICITOUS is:

[1] Happy

[2] Convenient

[3] Fervent

[4] Brittle

Answer: Happy

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