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Paper 2- December 2018 (22nd Dec 2018)

Paper 2- December 2018 (22nd Dec 2018)

This is the Official Question Paper & Answer Key for the paper conduced on 22nd December 2018.

Q.1. The term ‘Digger’ is associated with a group of agrarian communists who flourished in England in 1649-50 and were led by

1. Laurence Clarkson

2. Gerrard Winstanley

3. George Fox

4. John Lilburne

Answer: 2

Q.2. Who viewed Wordsworth, Southey and Coleridge as representatives of a “sect of poets …. Dissenters from the established systems in poetry and criticism” who constituted “the most formidable conspiracy against sound judgement in matters political” ?

1. Henry Vaughhan

2. Francisco Franco

3. Ralph Vaughan

4. Francis Jeffrey

Answer: 4

Q.3. This poet was of the Auden generation and was only briefly a member of the Communist party. In his poem, ”The Pylons”, he averred that the Pylons are “Bare like nude giant girls that have no secrets”. This prompted the label, Pylon poets, for the new generation of poets who were happy to use the gas works or pistons of a steam-engine as poetic imagery. ( Name this poet.)

1. Cecil Day Lewis

2. Christopher Isherwood

3. Stephen Spender

4. Louis MacNeice

Answer: 3

Q.4. Which of the following is the most accurate description of Butler English ?

1. A dialect of English spoken by the descendants of Anglo-Indians.

2. A pidgin, also called “Kitchen English” spoken by South Asians in Europe.

3. A minimal pidgin that emerged during colonial times in the Madras Presidency

4. Any non-grammatical variety of English used by menials in Commonwealth countries.

Answer: 3

Q.5. S.T. Coleridge “Dejection : An Ode” opens with an epigraph which is a refrence to a ballad. Identify the ballad.

1. “Ballad of the Goodly Fere”

2. “La Belle Dame Sans Merci”

3. “Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence”

4. “Ballad of the Gibbet”

Answer: 3

Q.6. What is the delicate balancing act of Andrew Marvell’s “Horation Ode” ?

1. Praising Roman virtues while endorsing Christian beliefs.

2. Celebrating the Restoration while regretting the frivolity of the new regime.

3. Praising feminine virtues while mocking the fixation on chastity.

4. Celebrating Cromwell’s victories while inviting sympathy for the executed King.

Answer: 4

Q.7. Who among the ancients prescribed that poetry should both instruct and delight ?

1. Longinus

2. Plotinus

3. Aristotle

4. Horace

Answer: 4

Q.8. Braj Kachru has observed a tendency among Indian-English speakers and writers to use hybridized lexical items. One example of this is

1. Jugarh

2. Ping-pong

3. Chaywallah

4. Lathi-charge

Answer: 4

Q.9. Identify the Fireside poets of the US.

1. William Cullen Bryant, H.W. Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes

2. T.S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams

3. Marianne Moore, Elizabeth Bishop, Anne Seaton

4. Amy Lowell, Emily Dickinson, Phillis Wheatley

Answer: 1

Q.10. Evelina was published in 1778

1. posthumously

2. using the name Fanny Burney

3. anonymously

4. under apseudonym

Answer: 3

Q.11. Allen Tate once made a useful distinction between structure and texture. The distinction referred to

1. the main line of a narrative, argument, etc., and the rhetorical, stylistic, metaphorical and other devices respectively.

2. the devices employed to enlighten objects and materials in a narrative , and the objects and material themselves, respectively.

3. objects and materials on which a narrative casts light, and the devices employed to enlighten them respectively.

4. the rhetorical, stylistic, metaphorical and other devices, and the main line of a narrative, argument, etc., respectively

Answer: 1

Q.12. Match the poem with the opening lines :

(a) “Ode to Psyche”

(b) “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

(c) “Ode to a Nightingale”

(d) “Ode on Melancholy”

(1) “My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of Hemlock I had drunk,”

(2) “No, no, go not to Lethe, neither twist Wolf’s-bane, tight-rooted, for its Poisonous wine,”

(3) “Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of silence and Slow time,”

(4) “O Goddess ! hear these tuneless numbers, by sweet enforcement and Remembrance dear,”

1. (a)-(4), (b)-(1), (c)-(3), (d)-(2)

2. (a)-(3), (b)-(4), (c)-(2), (d)-(1)

3. (a)-(4), (b)-(3), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

4. (a)-(1), (b)-(3), (c)-(2), (d)-(4)

Answer: 3

Q.13. Match the character with the play :


(a) Dorimant

(b) Lady Fidget

(c) Malevole

(d) Vernish


(1) The plain Dealer

(2) The Man of Mode

(3) The Country Wife

(4) The Malcontent

1. (a)-(4), (b)-(3), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

2. (a)-(2), (b)-(3), (c)-(4), (d)-(1)

3. (a)-(2), (b)-(4), (c)-(3), (d)-(1)

4. (a)-(4), (b)-(1), (c)-(3), (d)-(2)

Answer: 2

Q.14. What comes “after great pain” in the famous Emily Dickinson poem ?

1. The letting go

2. A concrete simplicity

3. Substantial light

4. A formal feeling

Answer: 4

Q.15. The “grammer bullies” – you read them in places like the New York Times – and they tell you what is correct.
You must never use “hopefully, we will be going there on Thrusday.” That is incorrect and wrong and you are basically an ignorant pig if you say it.
This is judgementalism . The game that is being played there is a game of social class. It has nothing do with the morality of writing and speaking and thinking clearly, of which George Orwell, for instance, talked so well.
To which famous essay of Orwell does the author refer here ?

1. “Inside the Whale”

2. “Politics and the English Language

3. “Reflections on Gandhi”

4. “Why I Write”

Answer: 2

Q.16. In the spring of 1941, Nikos Kazantzakis embarked on one of his most ambitious projects, a play known as Yangtze. What English/Greek title is it now known as ?

1. Buddha

2. Brobdingnag

3. Zoroaster

4. Zorba

Answer: 1

Q.17. One of the less noticed and acknowledged distinction of The Canterbury Tales is that

1. instead of revealing England’s divisions, it reveled in its diversity.

2. it upheld the idea that we cannot divorce poetry from knowledge because poetry itself is an object of knowledge

3. it alerted us to the term auctor, someone who is both ‘an originator, or one who gives increase’, the best description for Chaucer himself.

4. it married domesticity to divinity, the baker’s Loaf with the bread of life.

Answer: 1

Q.18. The following epitaph was written by Rudyard Kipling during the war of 1914-18.
This man is his own country prayed we know not to what Powers.
We pray Them to reward him for his bravery in ours.
“Powers” here refers to _______, “then” to______, and “ours” to______.

1. The Hindus, the French, the British

2. The divine, Powers, our country

3. The military, the Hindu sepoys, Powers

4. Authorities, his compatriots, our country

Answer: 2

Q.19. Which Walter Scott novel is set in France in the fifteenth century ?

1. Redgauntlet

2. Ivanhoe

3. The Antiquarry

4. Quentin Durward

Answer: 4

Q.20. In which work does William Blake say that Milton was “a true poet and of devil’s party without knowing it” ?

1. “London”

2. “Songs of Innocence”

3. “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”

4. “The Chimney Sweeper”

Answer: 3

Q.21. Which of the following themes was not common to the works of Cavelier poets such as Thomas Carew, Sir John Denham, Edmund Waller, Sir John Suckling, James Shirley, Richard Lovelace, and Robert Herrick ?

1. Loyalty to the king

2. Country ideals of the good life

3. Pious devotion to religious virtues

4. Carpe diem

Answer: 3

Q.22. Who among the following are referred to as the “Scottish Chaucerians” ?

(a) Thomas Hoccleve

(b) Robert Henryson

(c) John Lydgate

(d) William Dunbar

The right combination according to the code is :

1. (a) and (b)

2. (c) and (d)

3. (b) and (c)

4. (b) and (d)

Answer: 4

Q.23. The enigmatic castle which K. attempts to reach in vain in Franz Kafka’s Castle belongs to

1. Count Westwest

2. Count Aloofwest

3. Count Eastwest

4. Count Stangewest

Answer: 1

Q.24. Which of the following statements is true of The Way of the World ?

1. The Way of the World failed on stage.

2. Millamant and Mirabell fail to obtain the consent of Millamant’s aunt for their marriage

3. The Way of the World presents a heroine pretending to love an older man.

4. The Way of the World was performed and published in 1702.

Answer: 1

Q.25. Which of the following would not be invoked to describe a form of new Historicist criticism ?

1. Archaeology of social constructs

2. Genealogy of patriarchal discourse

3. Cultural materialism

4. Post-structural recovery of authorial intent

Answer: 4

Q.26. Match the following authors with the novels :

(Name of Author)

(1) Inheritance

(2) Listening Now

(3) Sister of My Heart

(4) The Hero’s Walk

(Name of Novel)

(a) Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

(b) Anita Rau Badami

(c) Anjana Appachana

(d) Indira Ganesan

1.(a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)

2.(a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)

3.(a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)

4.(a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)

Answer: 3

Q.27. The Romantic period produced a fair amount of dramatic criticism. A notable examples is “on the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth.” Who is the author?

1. Thomas de Quincey

2. Edmund Kean

3. William Hazlitt

4. William Charles Macready

Answer: 1

Q.28. In his Practical Criticism I.A. Richards suggests that there are several kinds of meanings and that the “total meaning” is a blend of contributory meanings which are of different types. He identified four kinds of meaning, or the total meaning of a word depends upon four factors. Choose the right combination as proposed by Richards.

1. Sense, feeling, Tone and Matter

2. Image, Feeling, Tone and Intention

3. Sound, Sense, Tone and Matter

4. Sense, Feeling, Tone and Intention

Answer: 4

Q.29. The following lines are W.B. Yeats’s metaphor for an old man :
A tattered coat upon a stick, unless
Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
For every tatter in its mortal dress.
Here, the aged man is _____, and his “soul … in its mortal dress,” is _______.

1. Point, counterpoint

2. Tenor, vehicle

3. Analogy, analogue

4. Vehicle, tenor

Answer: 2

Q.30. Thomas Nashe’s The Unfortunate Traveler is narrated by

1. Ben Lyte, a coarse Papist

2. Jack Wilton, an English page

3. Peter Marston, a sworn Calvinist

4. Philip Foxe, an English highwayman

Answer: 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions:
I have carried the manuscript of these translations about with me for days, reading it in railway trains, or an the top of omnibuses and in restaurants, and I have often had to close it lest some stranger would see how much it moved me. These lyrics – which are in the original, my … (Indian friends) tell me, full of subtlety of rhythm, of untranslatable delicacies of colour, of material invention –display in thought a world I have dreamed of all my life long. The work of a supreme culture, they yet appear as much a growth of the common soil as the grass and the rushes. A tradition, where poetry and religion are the same thing, has passed through the centuries, gathering from learned and unlearned metaphor and emotion, and carried back again to the multitude the thought of the scholar and the noble. If the civilization of Bengal remains unbroken, if that common mind which – as one divines – runs through all, is not, as with us, broken into a dozen minds that know nothing of each other, something even of what is most subtle in these verses will have come, in a few generations, to the beggar on the roads.
— W.B. Yeats, from Introduction to Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali

Q. 31. In this passage, Yeats praises Indian culture primarily because it

1. Is accessible to Westernes though it is rooted in a different religious tradition.

2. Has been flexible enough to survive a transition into the modern world.

3. Embodies values and gives rise to art that can be shared by people of all classes.

4. Reflects a marvellous eclecticism in drawing from many disparate cultures.

Answer: 3

Q.32. Which of the following had the alternative title Things as They Are?

1. Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto

2. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

3. Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley

4. William Godwin’s Caleb Williams

Answer: 4

Q.33. In imitation of which classical poet did Samuel Johnson write his London and The Vanity of Human Wishes?

1. Horace

2. Homer

3. Juvenal

4. Tasso

Answer: 3

Q.34. Identify the character, a black-eyed dwarf who “constantly revealed a few discoloured fangs that were yet scattered in his mouth, and gave him the aspect of a panting dog”.

1. Mulberry Hawk in Nicholas Nickleby

2. Rigand in Little Dorrit

3. Mr. Crook in Bleak House

4. Daniel Quilp in The Old Curiosity Shop

Answer: 4

Q.35. There are helpers and harmers among fellow-pilgrims in Christian’s journey in Pilgrim’s Progress. Who among the following is not a helper?

1. Mr. Worldly Wiseman

2. Good Will

3. The Interpreter

4. The Evangelist

Answer: 1

Q.36. Adherents of the fourteenth century religious movement associated with vernacular preaching, translation of New Testament into English, and challenges to the authority of priests and bishops were called

1. Levellers

2. Deists

3. Lollards

4. Agnostics

Answer: 3

Q.37. Match the term with the theorist:


(a) Negritude

(b) Womanism

(c) Interpellation

(4) Louis Althusser


(1) Alice Walker

(2) Jurgen Habermas

(3) Aime Cesaire

(d) Public Sphere

1. (a)-(2), (b)-(1), (c)-(4), (d)-(3)

2. (a)-(3), (b)-(2), (c)-(4), (d)-(1)

3. (a)-(1), (b)-(2), (c)-(4), (d)-(3)

4. (a)-(3), (b)-(1), (c)-(4), (d)-(2)

Answer: 4

Q.38. In his essay “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time” (1864) Matthew Arnold contended that

1. Creative and critical powers should be ranked equally

2. Creative and critical powers are not comparable in any way

3. Critical power should be ranked higher than creative power

4. Creative power should be ranked higher than critical power

Answer: 4

Q.39. David Malouf’s novel Ransom is based on

1. a war memoir by Edmund Blunden

2. an episode in The Mahabharata

3. a war poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko

4. an episode in the Trojan war

Answer: 4

Q.40. The title of Dylan Thomas’s Deaths and Entrances was taken from

1. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth

2. John Donne’s “Death’s Duell”

3. Rudyard Kipling’s “A Death-Bed”

4. T.S. Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral

Answer: 2

Q.41. What type of writing Walter Pater define as “the special and opportune art of the modern world”?

1. The lyric

2. Comic drama

3. The novel

4. Nonfiction prose

Answer: 4

Q.42. It was the first narrative on the life of a black woman slave to be published in England in 1831. It has profound influence on the abolition movement in Britain. Identify the book and its author

1. Mary Prince – The History of Mary Prince

2. Mattie Jane Jackson – The Story of Mattie J. Jackson

3. Elizabeth – Memoir of Old Elizabeth, a coloured Woman

4. Harriet Jacobs – Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Answer: 1

Q.43. 1992 demolition of the disputed structure in Ayodhya produced two controversial literary responses. Identify them.

1. Out of Place, The Algebra of Infinite Justice

2. Annals and antiquities, between Sunlight and Shadows

3. The Moor’s Last Sigh, Lajja

4. Chronicles of a Riot Foretold, Shame

Answer: 3

Q.44. What is peculiar about the reference in the following in the some poets’ names in the plural?
“it is a freezing, bleak day in January, and I am looking for poetry. I see a few Chaucers, a few Shakespeares, and a hardcover, three-dollar History of Modern Poetry published in 1987.”

1. Standard reference to more texts of one poet.

2. Unusual; awkward metaphors no longer in use.

3. Usually refer to biographies of the poets in question.

4. Synecdochic use; names for their respective works.

Answer: 4

Q.45. Deconstructionist critics argue that texts are never free from

1. the equivocal and ironically unstable worldview of the author.

2. the material conditions that determine the production and reception.

3. the interpretations bestowed by the totalizing critic.

4. distortions inherent in the rhetoricity of language.

Answer: 4

Q.46. “What is honour? A word. What is that word honour? Air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? He that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? No. Doth he hear it? No. is it insensible, then? Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with the living? No. why? Detraction will not suffer it. – therefore, I’ll none of it: Honour is a mere scutcheon; and so ends my catechism.”
Which character in the following Shakespearce’s dramas made this statement about honour?

1. Claudius in Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark

2. Falstaff in King Henry four-part 1

3. Hotspur in King Henry four-part 1

4. Hamlet in Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark

Answer: 2

Q.47. Why did Plato banish the poet from his ideal state?

1. Poetry makes an artificial distinction between form and content

2. Poetry deals with form, to the neglect of content.

3. the poet can never produce a completely accurate replica of the reality it seeks to represent, and (moreover) the purpose of art is not to describe reality but to change it.

4. In representing the sensual aspects of reality, the poet fails to discern the transcendent reality behind mere appearance.

Answer: 4

Q.48. “Search the heads of the greatest rivers in the world, you shall find them but bubbles of water.” Who is the author of this line?

1. Oscar Wilde

2. Francis Bacon

3. John Webster

4. R.B. Sheridan

Answer: 3

Q.49. Match the character with the work:


(1) Sons and lovers

(2) Kangaroo

(3) Women in love

(4) The Rainbow

(Name of work)

(a) Rupert Birkin

(b) Lydia Lensky

(c) Miriam Leivers

(d) Richard Somers

1. (a)-(1), (b)-(2), (c)-(4), (d)-(3)

2. (a)-(3), (b)-(4), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

3. (a)-(2), (b)-(3), (c)-(4), (d)-(1)

4. (a)-(4), (b)-(1), 9c)-(2), (d)-(3)

Answer: 2

Q.50. Read the passage given below
Ah, what a trifle is a heart,
If once into love’s hands it come!
All other griefs, allow a part
To other griefs, and ask themselves but some;
They come to us, but us love draws;
He swallows us and never chaws;
By him, as by chain’d shot, whole ranks do die;
He is the tyrant pike, our hearts the fry.
– John Donne, 1633
Which sentence best paraphrases line of the passage above?

1. Love tends to grab us and never let go.

2. Distress comes in many forms, but none lasts as long as heartache.

3. Unbidden pain afflicts us, but we are lured by love.

4. Emotions can damage us, but none as severely as love.

Answer: 3

Q.51. Which ancient writer’s name is directly mentioned in Lord Byron’s poem “the Isles of Greece”?

1. Euripides

2. Sophocles

3. Aeschylus

4. Sappho

Answer: 4

Q.52. What attitude towards death would you find in such poems as Tennyson’s “crossing the bar,” Whitman’s “Death Carol,” and Kipling’s “L’Envoi”?

1. Resignation

2. Despair

3. Hope

4. Protest

Answer: 3

Q.53. One of the most flexible metres, ________is a five foot line. It was introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century and has since then become the commonest of metres in English poetry.

1. Iambic

2. Trochaic

3. Hexameter

4. Pentameter

Answer: 4

Q.54. The titular figure of Federico Garcia Lorca’s elegy “Lament for Ignacio Sanchez Mejias” was

1. a revolutionary who was associated with Che Guevara

2. a popular priest and poet

3. a spy who helped the revolutionaries during the Spanish Civil War

4. a popular matador and writer

Answer: 4

Q.55. The fault of Cowley and perhaps of all the writers of the metaphysical race is that of pursuing his thoughts to their ramifications, by which he loses the grandeur of generality; for of the greatest things the parts are little ; what is little can be but pretty, and by claiming dignity becomes ridiculous. Thus all the power of description is destroyed by a scrupulous enumeration; and the force of metaphors is lost, when the mind by the mention of particulars is turned more upon the original than the secondary sense, more upon that from which the illustration is drawn than that to which it is applied.
What Dr. Johnson actually faults here is:

1. The metaphysical insistence on the particular than the general.

2. The force of metaphors that blunts description

3. The mind that goes astray toward the original

4. The metaphysical poets’ tendency to saunter away.

Answer: 4

Q.56. In Marlow’s Doctor Faustus, what books does Valdes council Faustus to study in preparation for conjuring up spirits?

(a) the works of Bacon and Abanus

(b) the Hebrew Psalter and New Testament

(c) the works of Ovid and Homer

(d) the works of Baxter and Horst

The right combination according to the code is:

1. (a) and (b)

2. (b) and (c)

3. (a) and (d)

4. (a) and (c)

Answer: 1

Q.57. Match the following concepts with their definitions:


(a) Collocation

(b) Corpus

(c) Hyponymy

(d) Matrix


(1) A semantic relationship of one-to-many

(2) A grid used in lexical analysis

(3) A combination of two lexical items in a grammatical pattern

(4) A large body of texts

1. (a)-(1), (b)-(3), (c)-(4), (d)-(2)

2. (a)-(4), (b)-(2), (c)-(3), (d)-(1)

3. (a)-(3), (b)-(1), (c)-(2), (d)-(4)

4. (a)-(3), (b)-(4), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

Answer: 4

Q.58. Who among the following exemplified the role of the “peasant poet”?

(a) John Clare

(b) John Keats

(c) William Cobbett

(d) Robert Burns

The right combination according to the code is:

1. (a) and (b)

2. (c) and (d)

3. (b) and (c)

4. (a) and (4)

Answer: 4

Q.59. “The good thing about words, “Hanif Kureishi remarks in “loose tongues”, “is that their final effect is incalculable. […] you can never know what your words might turn out to mean for yourself or for someone else; or what the world they make will be like. Anything could happen. The problem with silence is that we know exactly what it will be like.”Kureishi, in sum, suggests:

(a) There is always some risk involved in writing/speaking.

(b) It is better to avoid using words than to risk miscommunication.

(c) Words being predictable, are always open to misinterpretation.

(d) The unpredictable, in deed, is the strength of words.

Determine the correct combination according to the code:

1. (a) and (c)

2. (b) and (d)

3. (b) and (c)

4. (a) and (d)

Answer: 4

Q.60. Which interpretation of Keats’s “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” best represents the mimetic perspective?

1. The line is an ironic quotation, the equation of “beauty” and “truth” as “all we know on earth” suggests that reality is an illusory concept and that the primary function of art is to construct a world within an aesthetic reality of its own.

2. Those aspects of reality which we perceive to be “beautiful” are the only worthy subject matter of the artist, and it is the artist’s job to observe closely and isolate those sublime elements from the flux of the mundane.

3. The author’s arbitrary imposition of order upon the chaotic impressions of reality constitutes the only “truth” in a work of art.

4. A work of literature is “beautiful” insofar as it offers an accurate representation of its subject matter, with fully realized characters and vivid description of events.

Answer: 4

Q.61. Fill in the blanks
“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
________ in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last _______ of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That _______ and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is _______ no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”
Fill in the blanks. Choose the set that carries the correct words.

1. Walks. Breath, creeps, shown

2. Creeps, syllable, struts, heard

3. Moves, syllable, frowns, heard

4. Creeps, moment, struts, seen

Answer: 2

Q.62. What is an “implied reader”?

1.The ideal audience envisioned by the author and to whom the work of literature is supposedly addressed.

2. A reader who embodies all those predispositions necessary for a literary work to exercise its effect.

3. The ideal reader of a work of literature which is approximated over time by successive responses of generations of actual readers.

4. The ideal “average” reader who can approach a work of literature with no preconceived ideas about the author’s life, the time of composition, etc.

Answer: 2

Q.63. Read the lines from the poem
Alas ! what boots it with uncessant care
To tend the homely, slighted Shepherd’s trade,
And strictly meditate the thankless Muse ?
Were it not better done, as others use,
To sport with Amaryllis in the shade,
Or with the tangles of Neaera’s hair ?
Who are Amaryllis and Neaera in the above extract from John Milton’s “Lycidas”?

1. Both were goddesses of love and war respectively appearing in Greek pastoral poetry.

2. Amaryllis is a shepherdess mentioned in Shakespearce’s romantic comedies; Neaera, a minor character in love’s Labour’s lost

3. Amaryllis is a shepherdess mentioned in ancient pastoral poetry, notably in Virgil’s eculogues; Neaera, a nymph who appears in Virgil’s Eclogues.

4. Both were one-time lovers of Lycidas, the dead shepherd.

Answer: 3

Q.64. “The chapter on the fall of the rupee you may omit. It is somewhat too sensational. Even these metallic problems have their melodramatic side.” The fall of the Indian rupee in the final decades of 19 century is referred to in one of Oscar Wilde’s plays . identify the play.

1. The importance of being earnest

2. Lady Windermere’s fan

3. An Ideal Husband

4. A Woman of no importance

Answer: 1

Q.65. “Why don’t we have a little game? Let’s pretend that we’re human beings, and that we are actually alive.”
This passage forms part of

1. Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap

2. John Osborne’s look Back in anger

3. Samuel Beckett’s waiting for Godot

4. Harold Pinter’s the birthday party

Answer: 2

Q.66. What tone will be best suited to the following poem ?
Through leaves are many , the root Is one;
Through all the lying days of my youth
I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun;
Now I may wither into the truth.

1. Regret

2. Excitement

3. Revulsion

4. Exultation

Answer: 1

Q.67. Match the author with the title:


(a) Alan paton

(b) Ngugi wa thiong’o

(c) Teju cole

(d) Wole Soyinka


(1) open city

(2) cry, the beloved country

(3) a grain of wheat

(4) the interpreters

1. (a)-(3), (b)-(2), (c)-(4), (d)-(1)

2. (a)-(1), (b)-(3), (c)-(4), (d)-(2)

3. (a)-(2), (b)-(2), (c)-(1), (d)-(4)

4. (a)-(3), (b)-(1), (c)-(4), (d)-(2)

Answer: 3

Q.68. Which of the following is the most accurate statement by W.E.B. Du Bois’s famous articulation of the ‘twoness’ of black Americans?

1. “it is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this scene of always lokking at one’s self through the eyes of others.”

2. “This sense of always looking at one’s self, a peculiar sensation through the eyes is double consciousness.”

3. “Through the eyes of others, this sense of always looking at one’s self, we acquire the double-consciousness.”

4. “this double consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, is a peculiar sensation.”

Answer: 1

Q.69. Match the plays to their setting:

(a) Krapp’s last tape

(b) Happy days

(c) Waiting for Godot

(d) Endgame

(1) a country road;a tree

(2) bare interior; two small windows high up ; grey light

(3) expanse of scorched grass forming a low mound; blinding light

(4) a laze evening in future, white light.

1. (a)-(3), (b)-(4), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

2. (a)-(2), (b)-(3), (c)-(1), (d)-(4)

3. (a)-(4), (b)-(3), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

4. (a)-(2), (b)-(4), (c)-(3), (d)-(1)

Answer: 3

Q.70. Albert Camus borrows the following epigraph to his novel The Plague form________. “it is as reasonable to represent one kind of imprisonment by another , as it is to represent anything that really exists by that which exists not,”

1. James Hogg’s The Confessions of a Justified Sinner

2. Jeremy Bentham’s the principles of morals and legislation

3. Robert Burton’s the anatomy of melancholy

4. Daniel Defoe’s robinson crusoe

Answer: 4

Q.71. “We know now that a text is not a line of words releasing a single “theological” meaning (the “message” of the Author-god) but a multidimensional space in which a variety of writings, none of them original, blend and clash . . . . literature . . . . by refusing to assign a “secret”, an ultimate meaning, to the text (and to the world as text) liberates what may be called an anti-theological activity , that is truly revolutionary since to refuse to fix meaning is, in the end to refuse god and his hypostases- reason, science, law.” The passage comes from which of the following essays?

1. “tradition and individual talent” by T.S. eliot

2. “discource in the novel “ by Mikhail bakhtin

3. “what is an author?” by Michel Foucault

4. “the death of the author” by roland barthes

Answer: 4

Q.72. The Norman Conquest was a significant landmark in English history. What French did the Normans speak and what was it known as?

1. They spoke a dialectal French (also called Anglo-Frisian), somewhat closer to the Parisian.

2. They spoke Norman French (Anglo-Norman). Theirs was certainly not the standard French.

3. They spoke standard French (of mainland France). Their French was very sweet and musical.

4. They spoke normal French, rather distinct from Anglo-Norman, another standard language.

Answer: 2

Q.73. Nicholas Nickleby firmly established Charles Dickens as a dominant novelist of his time and the book as an unrivalled literacy phenomenon. To celebrate the completion of the book, a painter noted that there had been nothing comparable to him since the days of Samuel Richardson. Identify the painter.

1. Leonard Woolf

2. David Wilkie

3. John Cruickshank

4. Ernest Dawson

Answer: 2

Q.74. Match the writer with the work:

(Name of work)

(1) Leviathan

(2) The Practice of Piety

(3) The Art of English Poesy

(4) The History of the Royal Society


(a) George Puttenham

(b) Thomas Spart

(c) Lewis Bayly

(d) Thomas Hobbes

1. (a)-(3), (b)-(4), (c)-(1), (d)-(2)

2. (a)-(3), (b)-(4), (c)-(2), (d)-(1)

3. (a)-(4), (b)-(3), (c)-(2), (d)-(1)

4. (a)-(3), (b)-(2), (c)-(4), (d)-(1)

Answer: 2

Q.75. Which of the following is not indebted to the Gothic genre?

1. Tobias Smollett’s Roderick Random

2. Ann Radcliffe’s The Italian

3. Mathew Lewis’s The Monk

4. William Beckford’s Vathek

Answer: 1

Q.76. Jonathan Swift arrived in London in 1710 and confronted a rapidly changing world in the new Tory ministry. His reactions to this world are vividly recorded in his journal to Stella, a series of letters addressed to

(a) Hester Vanhomrigh

(b) Esther Johnson

(c) Rebecca Dingley

(d) Lady Mary Montagu

The right combination according to the code is:

1. (b) and (c)

2. (b) and (d)

3. (c) and (d)

4. (a) and (b)

Answer: 1

Q.77. __________ read Adam Bede with such pleasure that she not only keenly recommended it to her relatives but also commissioned two paintings of scenes from the novel.

1. Horace Nightingale

2. George Eliot

3. Margaret Cavendish

4. Queen Victoria

Answer: 4

Q.78. Which of the following statements on Rajmohan’s Wife is not true?

1. Bankim Chandra published it soon after serialization and was elated in seeing its first copy.

2. The novel was serialized in 1864 in a short-lived magazine in Calcutta.

3. By common consent, Rajmohan’s Wife is the first novel in English published by an Indian.

4. His vivid descriptions of the routine of Bengali households reveal a lot about the nineteenth century.

Answer: 1

Q.79. In Thomas Moore’s Utopia (Book2) , the reader is told that in this new world there are few mistakes in marriage because

1. there is an extensive courtship period preceding the actual wedding.

2. the family gods are invoked before finalizing the nuptials.

3. there is a community get together where prospective husbands and wives announce wedding plans endorsed by elders.

4. prospective husbands and wives see one another naked before agreeing to the match.

Answer: 4

Q.80. “Reality is that nothing happens. How many of the events of history have occurred, ask yourselves, for this and for that reason, but for no other reason, fundamentally, than the desire to make things happen? I present to you History, the fabrication, the diversion, the reality-obscuring drama.”
Which postmodern novel thus subverts the truth claims of traditional historiography?

1. A.S. Byatt’s possession

2. John Fowles’s The French Lieutenant’s Woman

3. Graham Swift’s Waterland

4. Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient

Answer: 3

Q.81. In which of his novels does Italo Calvino construct his narrative through a tarot pack of cards and re-interpret the Western canon providing new versions of Oedipus Rex, Faust, Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear?

1. The Castle of Crossed Destinations

2. Our Ancestors

3. Invisible Cities

4. The Path to the Nest of Spiders

Answer: 1

Q.82. Herr God, Herr Lucifer
Beware Beware
Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air.
Lines 4 and 5 in the above evoke:

1. Christ’s resurrection

2. The fairy-tale of a girl in the woods

3. The myth of the phoenix

4. The legend of the Lady of the Lake

Answer: 3

Q.83. which post-war British poet ends a poem with the line , “get stewed : books are aload of crap”?

1. Philip Larkin

2. Ted Hughes

3. Thom Gunn

4. Craig Raine

Answer: 1

Q.84. Arnold Wesker is associated with “kitchen-sink drama”, a rather condescending title applied to the then new-wave realistic drama depicting the family lives of working-class characters on stage and in broadcast plays. Two of the following plays begin with one character doing the dishes in a kitchen sink. Identify the pair.

(a) the Kitchen

(b) chicken soup with barley

(c) roots

(d) menace

The right combination according to the code is:

1. (b) and (d)

2. (a) and (d)

3. (a) and (b)

4. (b) and (c)

Answer: 4

Q.85. Early African-American texts like slave narratives were often described as told to narratives as their ‘authors’ dictated their experiences. The persons who noted down these experiences are

1. Amanuenses

2. Abolitionists

3. Translators

4. Slave-drives

Answer: 1

Q.86. Which of the following poems is quoted as the epigraph to A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry?

1. “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”

2. “Harlem (A Dream Deferred)”

3. “The Big Sea”

4. “I, too, Sing America”

Answer: 2

Q.87. As a boy growing up in Squire Allworth’s estate, Tom gets one of the following characters into trouble. Identify the character.

1. Partridge

2. Black George

3. Nightingale

4. Blifil

Answer: 2

Q.88. During the Raj, the British viewed their rule in terms of a thankless duty to uplift the downtrodden and inculcate order into Oriental minds. The mission to civilize the “ silent, sullen peoples” of the east was a burden imposed upon them by destiny.
The last observation is a fairly obvious allusion to

1. J.R. Ackerley’s Hindoo Holiday: An Indian Journal

2. Flora Annie Steel’s “The Garden of Fidelity

3. Maud Diver’s the Englishwoman in India

4. Rudyard Kipling’s “the White Man’s Burden”

Answer: 4

Q.89. Read the passage given below
“Full many a lady
I have eye’d with best regard: and many a time
The harmony of their tongues hath into bondage
Brought my too diligent ear; for several virtues
Have I liked several women; never any
With so full soul, but some defect in her
Did quarrel with the noblest grace she ow’d,
And put it to the foil. But you, O you,
So perfect and so peerless , are created
Of every creature’s best.”
This passage admiring the perfect matching of inner and outward beauty of a woman is taken from

1. Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus

2. John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi

3. Thomas Middleton’s Women Beware Women

4. Shakespeare’s Tempest

Answer: 4

Q.90. I, Allan Sealy’s the Trotter-Nama traces the history of the Anglo-Indian community in a chronicle of seven generations of the Trotter family, told by the seventh Trotter. This narrator is

1. a quack in the Indian outback

2. a forget of Indian miniatures

3. an accountant in the Indian army.

4. a collector of rare manuscripts.

Answer: 2

Q.91. Mango Souffle , India’s first major gay themed film, is an adaptation of Mahesh Dattani’s play

1. Do the Needful

2. Bravely Fought the Queen

3. Dance like a Man

4. On a Muggy Night in Mumbai

Answer: 4

Q.92. In this novel by Graham Greene a double agent uses classic works of fiction to encode secret information. “He put Clarissa Harlowe back in the bookcase” is the first clue to his treachery. Then he draws on War and Peace and The Way We Live Now as matrices for secretly transmitting information. Identify the novel.

1. The Man Within

2. Our Man in Havana

3. The Human Factor

4. The confidential Agent

Answer: 3

Q.93. In an ode, William Collins lamented the passing of a contemporary poet. The ode began with the line: “In yonder grave a Druid lies.” Name the poet whose passing Collins Laments.

1. James Thomson

2. William Cowper

3. Alexander Pope

4. Thomas Gray

Answer: 1

Q.94. In tradition ELT methods and materials, the native speaker is elevated and idealized against stereotyped non-native speakers. This tendency is dubbed ______ by Adrian Holliday.

1. Native speakerism

2. The non-native fallacy

3. The near-native fallacy

4. The native-speaker bias

Answer: 1

Q.95. Which of the following acts were not passed during the Victorian Era?

1. The Married Women’s property Rights Act

2. A series of Factory acts

3. The Custody Act

4. The Women’s Suffrage Act

Answer: 4

Q.96. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason(R). Read the statements and choose the correct answer using the code given below:

Assertion (A) : Gender studies do not see an urgent need to help us navigate the various pitfalls of racism, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and plain ignorance that flow from using “culture” as an explanatory tool.

Reason (R) : Issues relating to Women’s rights, gender roles, sexuality and family obligations are centrally implicated in the so-called clash of civilizations between Christianity or Secularism, and Islaam.

1. (A) is only partly addressed in (R)

2. (R) does not follow logically from (A).

3. (R) is (A) and vice versa

4. (A) and (R) are most logically related.

Answer: 2

Q.97. The en-ending to denote the plural nous (as is oxen, children, brethren) has survived from the

1. Middle English hymnals and chants in English parishes

2. Anglo-Norman case of making plural nouns

3. Odd Middle-English pronouncing custom of plurals

4. Old English practice of making plural nouns

Answer: 4

Comprehension :
The following is an extract from a famous play. Read it carefully to answer questions that follow.
Maid : [from the hall doorway] ma’am, a lady to see you –
Nora: all right, let her come in.
[…the maid shows in MRS. LINDE, dressed in travelling clothes, and shuts the door after her.]
Mrs. Linde : [in a dispirited and somewhat hesitant voice] Hello, Nora.
Nora : hello –
Mrs Linde: you don’t recognize me.
Nora : no, I don’t know – but wait , I think – what ! what ! is it really you ?
Mrs linde : yes its me
Nora : Kristine ! to think I didn’t recognize you. But then , how could i?
How you’ve changed, Kristine !
Mrs. Linde : yes, no doubt I have. In nine – ten long years.
Nora : it is so long since we met ! yes, it’s all of that. Oh, these last eight years have been a happy time, believe me. And so now you’ve come in to town, too. Made the long trip in the winter. That took courage.
Mrs linde : I just got here by ship this morning .
Nora : to enjoy yourself over Christmas , of course. Oh,how lovely !yes, enjoy ourselves we’ll do that . but take your coat off. You are not still cold? There now, lets get cozy here by the stove. No, the easy chair there ! I will take the rocker here. Yes, now you have your old look again; it was only in that first moment. You are a bit more pale, Kristine – and maybe a bit thinner.
Mrs Linde : and much, much older nora.
Nora : yes, perhaps a bit older ; a tiny, tiny bit ; not much at all. Oh, but thoughtless me , to sit here , chattering away. Sweet, can u forgive me?
Mrs Linde: what do you mean?
Nora : you have become a widow.
Mrs Linde : yes, three years ago.
Nora : I knew it, of course; I read it in the papers. Oh, Kristine, you must believe me; I often thought of writing you then , but kept postponing it, and something always interfered
Mrs Linde : nora , dear, I understand completely.
Nora : it was awful of me. You poor thing, how much you have gone through. And he left you nothing?
Mrs Linse : no
Nora : and no children?
Mrs Linde : no.
Nora : nothing at all then?
Mrs Linde : not even a sense of loss to feed on.
Nora : but how could that be?
Mrs Linde : oh, sometimes it happens, Nora.
Nora : so completely alone. How terribly hard that must be for you. I have three lovely children. You can’t see them now; they are out with the maid.

Q.98. “Not even a sense of loss to feed on” implies that

1. Mrs. Linde is given over to feeding on sorrow.

2. Mrs.Linde is completely devoid of all feeling.

3. Mrs.Linde is sentimentally attached to an irretrievable past

4. Mrs. Linde’s severance from her tragic pair is total.

Answer: 4

Q.99. Identify the play of which this section is an excerpt.

1. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

2. The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov

3. Wit by Margaret Edson

4. The importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

Answer: 1

Q.100. Which of the following description best applies to the above extract?

1. Friends comparing notes and counting losses in a meeting sudden and unanticipated.

2. the sense of loss inevitable with the passage of time and the imperceptible dissolution of the conventional marriage.

3. A chance meeting between old friends which leaves one puzzling over the inexplicable losses the other suffered.

4. A meeting of two friends – one married, the other unmarried after a gap of years.

Answer: 3

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