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Paper 3- June 2014

01. Where Sir Thomas Wyatt adapted Petrarch and Petrarchanism to English sounds and metres, Survey’s verse tends to look back beyond Petrarch to the

(A) French verse

(B) Italian verse

(C) Spanish verse

(D) Latin verse

Answer: * (Marks given to all)

02. Here are some characteristics of Morality Plays :

1. They are dramatized allegories of the life of man.

2. They depict man’s temptation and sinning, his quest for salvation and his confrontation with Death.

3. Though the hero represents Mankind, the other characters are by no means personifications, of virtues, vices and death.

4. A character known as the Vice often plays the role of the hero, a predecessor of the Villainhero in Elizabethan drama.

Find the correct combination according to the code :

(A) Only 1 and 2 are correct.

(B) Only 1 and 3 are correct.

(C) Only 1 and 4 are correct.

(D) Only 2 and 3 are correct.


03. In Spenser’s Re Faerie Queene there are the allegorized moral and religious virtues with their counterparts in the vices. Identify the correctly matched set :

(A) Una – Truth
Guyon – Temperance
Duessa – Deceit
Orgoglio – Pride

(B) Una – Pride
Guyon – Deceit
Duessa – Temperance
Orgoglio – Truth

(C) Una – Deceit
Guyon – Pride
Duessa – Temperance
Orgoglio – Truth

(D) Una – Temperance
Guyon – Truth
Duessa – Pride
Orgoglio – Deceit


04. “Fop at the toilet, flatt’rer at the board

Now trips a lady, a now struts a lord.”

The above lines are quoted from

(A) McFlecknoc

(B) The Rape of the Lock

(C) Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot

(D) Absalom and Achitrphel


05. Which of the following arrangements is in the correct chronological sequence ?

(A) Every Man in His Humour The Shoemaker’s Holiday Antonio’s Revenge The Changeling

(B) The Shoemaker’s Holiday Every Man in his Humour The Changeling Antonia’s Revenge

(C) The Changeling Antonio’s Revenge Every Man in His Humour The Shoemaker’s Holiday

(D) Antonio’s Revenge Every Man in His Humour The Changeling The Shoemaker’s Holiday


06. Though Coleridge refers to “Motivehunting of a motiveless malignity”, the “human villain” Iago is far from “motiveless”. His motives are

I. He has been disappointed of military promotion.

II. He suspects Othello of cuckolding him

III. He has been in love with Desdemona

IV. He wants to become Othello.

Find the most appropriate combination according to the code :

(A) I and II are correct

(B) I and III are correct

(C) I and IV are correct

(D) II and IV are correct


07. In ‘The Prologue’ to Dr. Faustus, the chorus proposes that the theme should be –

I. “cursed necromancy”

II. “audacious deeds”

III. “dalliance of love”

IV. “self-conceit”

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct

(B) II and III are correct

(C) I and IV are correct

(D) III and IV are correct


08. The centre of his plays is a proud character on Marlowe’s model, with a bold licence in speech and action, full of elaborate metaphors, phrase tumbling after phrase, as he asserts himself in the French Court. Dryden unjustly described his style as “a dwarfish thought, dressed up in gigantic words”. Who is this Jacobean playwright ?

(A) John Fletcher

(B) John Webster

(C) George Chapman

(D) John Marston

Answer: C

09. In Paradise Lost BK IX Milton writes that Adam was overcome with “______” and so ate the forbidden fruit against his “better knowledge”.

(A) “female charm”

(B) “exceeding love”

(C) “faithful love”

(D) “taste so divine”

Answer: A

10. In which poem of Donne’s is the lover’s face reflected in the eyes of his beloved ?

(A) “The Good Morrow”

(B) “The Canonization”

(C) “The Apparition”

(D) “A Valediction : Forbidding Mourning”

Answer: A

11. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below :


i. Thomas Otway

ii. William Wycherley

iii. Colley Cibber

iv. George Farquhar


1. The Provok’d Husband

2. The Recruiting Officer

3. The Country Wife

4. The Orphan, or the unhappy marriage

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 4 3 1 2

(B) 3 2 1 2

(C) 4 2 3 1

(D) 3 1 2 4

Answer: A

12. “Thou wast no born for death immortal Bird.”

In what sense is the Bird “immortal” as compared to mortal man ?

I. Here man as an individual is unfairly compared to a bird as a species.

II. The word “Bird” stands for the nightingale’s song.

III. When considered as a species man is equally “immortal” as the “Bird”.

IV. The “Bird” is “Immortal” because songs of birds have given pleasure to man through the ages.

Find the correct combination according to the code :

(A) Only I and III are correct

(B) Only IV is incorrect

(C) Only II and IV are correct

(D) Only I and IV are incorrect

Answer: C

13. Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is a poem in _________

(A) 8 parts

(B) 9 parts

(C) 7 parts

(D) 6 parts

Answer: C

14. Scott is known for the creation of mad, irrational witch-like women characters. From the following list pick the odd one out :

(A) Madge Wildfive

(B) Meg Murdockson

(C) Euphemia Deans

(D) Meg Merrilees

Answer: C

15. Joseph Addison called him “The Miracle of the present age” and Alexander Pope wrote the epitaph for the monument erected in his memory. Who is he ?

(A) John Locke

(B) Isaac Newton

(C) Ashley Cooper

(D) Christopher Wren

Answer: B

16. The play was first performed in 1773. The author asked a friend “Did it make you laugh ?” and getting the answer “Exceedingly” said then that was all he required. He used for plot a reputed experience of his own as a schoolboy when he lost his way and asked to be directed to an inn but was shown the gateway to the local squire’s house. Which play is this ?

(A) Sheridan’s The Rivals

(B) Sheridan’s The School for Scandal

(C) Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer

(D) Goldsmith’s The Good Natured Man

Answer: C

17. What is Johnson’s opinion regarding the “Violation” of the three unities in the plays of Shakespeare ?

I. Shakespeare should have followed the Unities.

II. Shakespeare followed the important Unity of Action satisfactorily.

III. Shakespeare’s plays suffered because they did not follow the Unities.

IV. Unity of Time and Place arise from false assumptions.

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) II and IV are correct.

(C) III and IV are correct.

(D) I and III are correct

Answer: B

18. The Tatler appeared thrice a week

(A) On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays

(B) On Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays

(C) On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

(D) On Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

Answer: A

19. “No man is truly great, who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history. Nothing can be said to be great that has a distinct limit, or that borders on something evidently greater than itself. Besides, what is shortlived and pampered into mere notoriety, is of a gross and vulgar quality in itself.” This passage describing the quality of greatness is taken from

(A) “Of studies” by Francis Bacon

(B) “The Indian Jugglers” by William Hazlitt

(C) Preface to Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson

(D) An Essay of Dramatic Poesy by John Dryden

Answer: B

20. In Blake’s “The Human Abstract”, the fragmented world of Experience is symbolized in the image of the

(A) Caterpillar

(B) Fly

(C) Raven

(D) Fruit of Deceit

Answer: D

21. Here are sentences labelled Assertion (A) and Reason (R) :

Assertion (A) : While referring to Charlotte Bronte’s claim that she has excluded public interest from her novels Graham Greene writes : ‘Public interest in her day was surely more separate from public life… with us, however consciously unconcerned we are, it obtrudes through the cracks of our stories terribly persistent like grass through cement’.

Reason (R) : The decade of the “thirties was bristling with recurring economic and political crisis like the Great Depression, Wall Street Crash, Unemployment, rise of Hitler and Mussolini, series of murders, invasions and tensions; writers could not remain unaffected.

In the light of (A) and (R) which of the following is correct ?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: A

22. Match the titles of the books with their authors :

i. Psychology and Art Today

ii. Revolution in Writing

iii. The Coming Struggle for Power

iv. Arrow in the Blue

1. John Strachey

2. W.H. Auden

3. C. Day Lewis

4. Arthur Koestler

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 3 1 2 4

(B) 4 2 3 1

(C) 2 3 1 4

(D) 1 2 4 3

Answer: C

23. George Meredith’s first novel was banned by Mudie’s Circulating Library for its supposed moral offence. Identify the novel :

(A) The Egoist

(B) Evan Harrington

(C) Diana of the Crossways

(D) The Ordeal of Richard Feverel

Answer: * (Marks given to all)

24. Match the titles of the following poems by Tennyson with their opening lines according to the code given below :

(Titles of poems)

i. “Tithonus”

ii. “The Lotos- Eaters”

iii. ‘Ulysses’

iv. ‘The Lady of Shalott’

(Opening Lines)

1. “‘Courage’ he said, and pointed towards the land. The mounting wave will roll us shoreward soon.”

2. “The woods decay, the woods decay and fall, The vapours weep their burthen to the ground.”

3. “On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye.”

4. “It little profists that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race.”

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 2 1 4 3

(B) 3 2 1 4

(C) 4 3 2 1

(D) 2 4 3 1

Answer: A

25. Why are Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets called “From Sonnets from the Portuguese” ?

(A) She wrote the whole in Portugal

(B) The sonnets were translated from the Portuguese.

(C) She presented it under the guise of a translation from the Portuguese language.

(D) The sonnets were narrated by a Portuguese.

Answer: C

26. Yeast’s “Sailing to Byzantium” is about

(A) Irish Culture

(B) The art and culture of Byzantium in general

(C) Irish revolutionaries

(D) Regenerating the art and culture that existed in Byzantium

Answer: D

27. “She had _______ lilies in her hand And the stars in her hair were ______.” (Rossetti’s “The Blessed Damozel”)

(A) 7 and 3

(B) 3 and 7

(C) 6 and 4

(D) 4 and 6

Answer: B

28. Which of the following arrangements is in the correct chronological sequence ?

(A) Adam Bede – Wuthering Heights – North and South – Villette

(B) Wuthering Heights – Villete – North and South – Adam Bede

(C) Villettee – North and South – Wuthering Heights – Adam Bede

(D) North and South – Wuthering Heights – Adam Bede – Villette

Answer: B

29. In which of the following novels by canrod do the Gould couple and Decoud appear as characters with Costaguana as the setting ?

(A) Victory

(B) Under Western Eyes

(C) Nostromo

(D) The Nigger of the Narcissus

Answer: C

30. Match the following plays with their authors according to the code given below :


i. Heartbreak House

ii. Loyalties

iii. In the Jungle of Cities

iv. The Family Reunion


1. John Galsworthy

2. Bertolt Brecht

3. T.S. Eliot

4. George Bernard Shaw

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 3 4 2 1

(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 2 1 4 3

(D) 4 1 2 3

Answer: D

31. In November 1910 in an exhibition organized by Roger Fry, the paintings of three painters were displayed. Identify the painters :

(A) Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell, Clive Bell

(B) Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin

(C) Matisse, Picasso, Braque

(D) Cezanne, Van Gogh, Matisse

Answer: B

32. Why did Phaedra, wife of Theseus, commit suicide by hanging herself ?

(A) Theseus hated her

(B) Her stepson, Hippolytus rejected her love

(C) Hippolytus wanted to marry her

(D) She was lonely and depressed

Answer: B

33. Identify the poet in whose verse rural Ulster figures prominently

(A) Tony Harrison

(B) Ted Hughes

(C) Seamus Heaney

(D) Louis MacNeice

Answer: C

34. Match the pairs of authors and their works according to the code given :


i. Alexander Dumas

ii. Honore de Balzac

iii. Gustav Flaubert

iv. Marcel Proust


1. Remembrance of Things Past

2. Madame Bovary

3. The Human Comedy

4. The Count of Monte Christo

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 4 3 2 1

(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 2 1 4 3

(D) 3 4 1 2

Answer: A

35. Which of the following statements best applies to Anna Karenina ?

1. Among her most prominent qualities are her passionate spirit and determination to live life on her own terms.

2. She accepts the exile to which she has been condemned.

3. She is a victim of Russian patriarchal system.

4. Anna is deeply devoted to her family and children.

(A) 1 and 2 are correct

(B) 2 and 3 are correct

(C) 1 and 3 are correct

(D) 1, 3 and 4 are correct

Answer: D

36. Match the pairs of authors and their works according to the code given :


i. Vladimir Nabokov

ii. Italo Calvino

iii. Umberto Eco

iv. Emile Zola


1. Germinal

2. Foucault’s Pendulum

3. If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller

4. Lolita

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 3 1 4 2

(B) 4 3 2 1

(C) 1 2 3 4

(D) 2 4 1 3

Answer: B

37. Which among the following plays by Aristophanes is an attack on ‘modern’ education and morals as imparted and taught by the radical intellectuals known as The Sophists ?

(A) Clouds

(B) Wasps

(C) Acharnians

(D) Knights

Answer: A

38. In which novel of Virginia Woolf does a painter in the act of painting actually figure as a character ?

(A) The Voyage Out

(B) The Waves

(C) Jacob’s Room

(D) To the Lighthouse

Answer: D

39. Religious controversies in England particularly during the 15th century led to the promotion of

(A) English prose

(B) The British Empire

(C) Naval power

(D) The Missionary Movement

Answer: A

40. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the list below :
In his fiction, Ian McEwan more than often suggests the _________ of love

(A) Fragility

(B) Madness

(C) Completeness

(D) Security

Answer: A

41. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below :


i. Arnold Wesker

ii. Harold Pinter

iii. Joe Orton

iv. Tom Stoppard


1. Jumpers

2. What the Butler Saw

3. The Room

4. Roots

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 3 2 4 1

(B) 1 2 4 3

(C) 4 3 2 1

(D) 4 3 1 2

Answer: C

42. Modern English emerged from the

(A) South Midland dialect

(B) East Midland dialect

(C) French language

(D) Northumbrian dialect

Answer: B

43. Most culinary terms in English are derived from

(A) Exotic cooking

(B) French cooking

(C) Native sources

(D) Arabic cooking

Answer: B

44. “Blended learning” is a mode of instruction/learning in which

(A) the learner’s mother tongue and the target language are blended

(B) learning is accessed through the mother tongue

(C) a variety of instructional modes are integrated

(D) learning of a language is mediated by humanistic approaches

Answer: C

45. ‘Risk-taking’ is one of the traits of a good

(A) language learner

(B) language teacher

(C) teacher of grammar rules

(D) printer of books and authors

Answer: A

46. A teaching method advocated by Dr. Georgia Lozanav which is based on the principle of ‘joy and easiness’ is called

(A) Suggesto paedia

(B) Total physical response

(C) The Direct Method

(D) The audio-lingual method

Answer: A

47. Albert Camus, in his essay, ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’ conveys :

1. The concept of Naturalism

2. The Absurdity of Human Existence

3. The Futility of all Human Endeavour

4. The concept of Existentialism

(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct

(B) 2, 3 and 4 are correct

(C) 1, 2 and 4 are correct

(D) 1, 3 and 4 are correct

Answer: B

48. In The Portrait of a Lady Gilbert Osmond marries Isabel Archer because

1. Osmond wanted to get hold of Isabel’s property.

2. He loved her

3. Though he did not like her moral ideas about many things in life, he had hoped to win her over.

4. He realized that her moral ideas were quite deep-rooted.

Find the correct combination according to the code :

(A) only 1 and 2 are correct

(B) only 1, 2 and 3 are correct

(C) only 3 and 4 are correct

(D) only 1 is correct

Answer: * (Marks given to all)

49. Pick out the two relevant and correct descriptions of U.R. Ananthamurthy’s Samskara.

1. The novel is written in English

2. The novel is concerned with the progressive ideas of the times.

3. The novel is set in Malgudi

4. The novel is a satire on the representatives of a decadent Brahmin society.

5. Samskara is a regional novel

6. Praneschacharya does not atone for his sin.

(A) 4 and 5 are correct

(B) 1 and 4 are correct

(C) 5 and 6 are correct

(D) 3 and 2 are correct

Answer: A

50. Willy in Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman compares Biff and Happy to the mythic characters / figures

(A) Venus and Adonais

(B) Adonais and Hercules

(C) Jupiter and Hercules

(D) Venus and Hercules

Answer: B

Question Nos 51 to 55 are based on a poem.

Read the poem carefully and pick out the most appropriate answers. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning My swirling wants, your frozen lips. The grammar turned and attacked me. Themes, written under duress. Emptiness of the notations. They gave me a drug that slowed the healing of wounds. I want you to see this before I leave : the experience of repetition as death the failure of criticism to locate the pain the poster in the bus that said : my bleeding is under control A red plant in a cemetary of plastic wreaths. A last attempt : the language is a dialect called metaphor. These images go unglossed : hair, glacier, flashlight. When I think of a landscape I am thinking of a time. When I talk of taking a trip I mean forever. I could say : those mountains have a meaning but further than that I could not say. To do something very common, in my own way.
Adrienne Rich

51. How does the poet suggest that the lover has not left ?

(A) The words “a last attempt” indicate that she is trying her best to leave.

(B) The words “before I leave” suggest that the speaker has not left yet.

(C) The speaker talks of a trip ‘forever’ which means she will never return.

(D) A drug she takes slows the healing of her wounds perhaps indicating that she may be able to leave sometime in future.

Answer: B

52. Why does the speaker/lover in Rich’s poem plan to leave ?

I. Because her love has not been returned.

II. Because of the pain she has suffered in the relationship.

III. Because the lover has criticized her so much.

IV. Because though the pain has been located, the bleeding continues.

The right combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct

(B) I and IV are correct

(C) I, II and III are correct

(D) I and III are correct

Answer: C

53. What does Rich imply when she says “The grammar turned and attacked me” ?

(A) Language that has been used to hurt her.

(B) Her lover has beaten her.

(C) The person she is leaving is not the source of pain but something else.

(D) The pain she has herself inflicted through language.

Answer: A & D

54. How would you compare Rich’s poem and Donne’s poem with the same title ?

(A) Rich is recreating Donne’s poem

(B) Rich is eulogising Donne’s poem

(C) Rich’s poem is a scathing attack on Donne’s poem.

(D) Rich is defining Donne’s concept of love

Answer: A

55. What is the theme of the poem ? Identify the false statement in the list below :

It is

(A) about the difficulty of actually saying goodbye.

(B) about not having the strength to leave though one might want to.

(C) about the pain suffered in relationship.

(D) a Classical love poem like Donne’s where the speaker dominates the addressee.

Answer: D

56. Why does Girish Karnad base his play Hayavadana on Thomas Mann’s Transposed Heads ?

(A) It is a mock-heroic transcription of the original Sanskrit tales.

(B) It is concerned with materialism.

(C) It deals with domestic strife.

(D) It deals with ancient times.

Answer: A

57. The collected poems of A.K. Ramanujan has been divided into four sections. Arrange them in their chronological order :

(A) The striders – The Relations – Second Sight – the Black Hen

(B) The Relations – The Striders – The Black Hen – Second Sight

(C) Second Sight – The Relations – The Black Hen – Striders

(D) The Black Hen – Second Sight – The Striders – The Relations

Answer: A

58. In one of her novels, Margaret Atwood demonstrated the potentially ‘Cannibalistic’ nature of human relationships. Identify the novel :

(A) Surfacing

(B) Lady Oracle

(C) Life Before Man

(D) The Edible Woman

Answer: D

59. Match the characters with the novels of Amitav Ghosh in which they appear according to the code given below :


i. Fakir

ii. Tridip

iii. Rajkumar

iv. Murugan


1. The Glass Palace

2. The Hungry Tide

3. The Calcutta Chromosome

4. Shadow Lines

Codes :

i ii iii iv

(A) 2 4 1 3

(B) 2 4 3 1

(C) 1 3 1 4

(D) 3 2 4 1

Answer: A

60. Which of the following is not a play by Badal Sircar ?

(A) Bhooma

(B) Evam Indrajeet

(C) That Other History

(D) Agra Bazar

Answer: D

61. Who is the protagonist of Shashi Deshpande’s That Long Silence ?

(A) Mohan

(B) Jaya

(C) Rati

(D) Kamat

Answer: B

62. In Derek Walcott’s Dream on Monkey Mountain, Makak’s vision of freedom for his people is

(A) through money

(B) through violence

(C) through black power

(D) through a decolonisation of the mind

Answer: D

63. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : To give a text an author is to impose a limit on that text, to furnish it with a final signified, to close the writing.

Reason (R) : A text is made up of multiple meanings drawn from many sources, and this multiplicity is focused on the reader.

In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is correct :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.

Answer: B

64. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Spivak sees the project of colonialism as characterized by what Foucault had called ‘epistemic violence’, the imposition of a given set of beliefs over another.

Reason (R) : Spivak suggests that participation in the political process – access to citizenship, becoming a voter – will help to mobilize the subaltern on “the long road to hegemony.”

In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is correct :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.

Answer: B

65. Match the following authors with their works from the given below :


i. Buchi Emecheta

ii. Ama Ata Aidoo

iii. Nadine Gordimer

iv. Nqugi Wa Thiongo


1. Burger’s Daughter

2. Joy of Motherhood

3. Devil on the Cross

4. Our Sister Killjoy


Find the correct combination according to the code :

Codes :

i ii ii i iv

(A) 1 2 3 4

(B) 2 4 1 3

(C) 3 1 4 2

(D) 4 3 2 1

Answer: B

66. Match the following authors with their plays from the lists given below :


i. Langston Hughes

ii. Lorraine Hansberry

iii. Ed Bullins

iv. Amiri Baraka


1. Dutchman

2. Clara’s Ole Man

3. Don’t You want to be Free

4. Raisin in the Sun

Find the correct combination according to the code :

Codes :

i i i iii iv

(A) 3 4 2 1

(B) 1 2 3 4

(C) 2 1 4 3

(D) 4 3 1 2

Answer: A

67. Identify the critics and their respective works :

(A) Horace – Ars Poetica Aristotle – Poetics Quintillian – Institutio Oratoria Ben Jonson – Discoveries Sidney – An Apology for Poetry Dryden – An Essay of Dramatic Poesy

(B) Horace – Poetics Aristotle – Ars Poetica Quintillian – On the sublime Longinus – Discoveries Ben Jonson – Institutio Oratoria Sidney – An Essay of Dramatic Poesy Dryden – An Apology for Poetry

(C) Horace – On the sublime Aristotle – Poetics Quintillian – Discoveries Longinus – Institutio Oratoria Ben Jonson – An Essay of Dramatic Poesy Sidney – Ars Poetica Dryden – An Apology for Poetry

(D) Horace – Ars Poetica Aristotle – Poetics Quintillian – Institutio Oratoria Longinus – On the Sublime Ben Jonson – An Apology for Poetry Sidney – An Essay of Dramatic Poesy Dryden – Discoveries

Answer: A

68. Which of the following is not true of Imagist poetry ?

(A) The poet spreads his language across the page as though language were sensation, to reproduce the mental effect of ‘image’.

(B) The image is itself an instrument of vision, or lens, as well as an expression of imagination

(C) The imagist like a scientist learns from history and uses it, and like a scientist does not deal in emotions.

(D) The new artist as scientist focuses vision through image as against the symbol which resorts to reduction to simplicity.

Answer: C

69. Who among the following is not a myth critic ?

(A) Robert Graves

(B) Raymond Williams

(C) Francis Fergusson

(D) Northrop Frye

Answer: B

70. According to Northrop Frye there are four main narrative genres associated with the seasonal cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter. They are comedy, ________, tragedy and irony (satire). Which is the second one ?

(A) Romance

(B) Epic

(C) Fiction

(D) Novel

Answer: A

Questions No. 71 – 75 are based on the following passage :

Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option. The town belonging to the colonized people, or at least the native town, the negro village, the medina, the reservation, is a place of ill fame, peopled by men of evil repute. They are born there, it matters little where or how; they die there, it matters not where, nor how. The native town is a hungry town, starved of bread, of meat, of shoes, of coal, of light. The native town is a crouching village, town on its knees, a town wallowing in the mire. The look that the native turns on the settler is a look of lust, of envy…. The colonized man is an envious man. And this the settler knows very well… It is true, for there is no native who does not dream atleast once a day of setting himself up in the settler’s place.
(From Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of The Earth)

71. To Frantz Fanon, the ‘Negro’ village is

1. the worst face of apartheid

2. a protected area

3. a place of moral and physical degradation

4. a special village with its own amenities.

(A) 1 and 3 are correct

(B) 1 and 2 are correct

(C) only 3 is correct

(D) only 4 is correct

Answer: A

72. Why is the ‘native town’ a hungry town ?

1. it did not have agricultural farms

2. it did not have markets

3. the blacks were steeped in poverty

4. they were denied their fundamental rights by the Whites.

(A) 1 and 2 are correct

(B) 3 and 4 are correct

(C) only 1 is correct

(D) only 4 is correct

Answer: B

73. What does the term ‘crouching village’ indicate ?

1. The latent aggressiveness of the blacks

2. The defenselessness of the people

3. Hopelessness and despair

4. Overflowing filth

(A) 1 and 2 are correct

(B) 2 and 3 are correct

(C) only 1 is correct

(D) only 2 is correct

Answer: C

74. Why does the native look at the settler’s town with envy ?

1. it arises from a sense of desperation

2. he has no other option in his life

3. he wants to occupy a position of power.

4. he wants to be the colonizer instead of the colonized.

(A) only 1 is correct

(B) 3 and 4 are correct

(C) only 2 is correct

(D) 1 and 4 are correct

Answer: B

75. What is the settler’s attitude towards the blacks ?

1. the settler is not afraid

2. the settler considers the blacks to be harmless

3. the settler is contemptuous of the blacks.

4. the settler feels resentment because he knows that his position is never safe.

(A) only 1 is correct

(B) 2 and 3 are correct

(C) only 4 is correct

(D) 3 and 4 are correct

Answer: C

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