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Paper 2- June 2008

1. Tennyson’s poem about women’s rights and women’s sphere is :

(A) Maud

(B) In Memoriam

(C) Idylls of the King

(D) The Princess

Answer: D

2. ‘Hymn To Adversity’ is a poem by :

(A) Thomas Gray

(B) Edward Gibbon

(C) Alexander Pope

(D) William Blake

Answer: A

3.The King James Bible was published in :


(B) 1610


(D) 1612

Answer: C

4.’IL Migilor Fabro’ is the expression Eliot used for :

(A) W. B. Yeats

(B) Samuel Beckett

(C) W. H. Auden

(D) Ezra Pound

Answer: D

5. ‘The Figure a poem Makes’ is an essay by :

(A) Henry James

(B) Sylvia Plath

(C) Robert Frost

(D) Wallace Stevens

Answer: C

6. ”Ripeness is all” occurs in :

(A) King Lear

(B) Hamlet

(C) Macbeth

(D) Julius Caeser

Answer: A

7. A. C. Bradley’s Shakespearean Tragedy was published in :

(A) 1903

(B) 1904

(C) 1905

(D) 1906

Answer: B

8. ‘Topsy’ appears in :

(A) Uncle Tom’s Cabin

(B) History of the United States

(C) Walden

(D) Tom Sawyer

Answer: A

9. A poem that captures the essence of a moment in a simple image is :

(A) Lyric

(B) Ballad

(C) Ode

(D) Haiku

Answer: D

10. Which of the following Shakespearean plays are in the correct chronological sequence ?

(A) The Merchant of Venice – Henry IV Part I – Romeo and Juliet – Richard II

(B) Richard II – Henry IV Part I – Romeo and Juliet – The Merchant of Venice

(C) Henry IV Part I – Romeo and Juliet – The Merchant of Venice – Richard II

(D) Romeo and Juliet -Richard II – Henry IV Part I – The Merchant of Venice

Answer: D

11. The word ‘nature’ in the eighteenth century literature stands for :

(A) Nature of writing

(B) External nature

(C) Human nature

(D) The Universe

Answer: C

12. Who is given credit for first using the term“romantic?

(A) Friedrich Schlegel

(B) Kant

(C) Coleridge

(D) Schiller

Answer: A

13. Gudrun is a character in a novel by :

(A) James Joyce

(B) Virginia Woolf

(C) D. H. Lawrence

(D) E. M. Forster

Answer: C

14. July’s People is a novel by :

(A) Margaret Atwood

(B) V. S. Naipul

(C) Wole Soyinka

(D) Nadine Gordimer

Answer: D

15. Heroic Couplet is a pair of :

(A) Rhyming iambic pentameter lines

(B) Unrhyming iambic pentameter lines

(C) Rhyming iambic hexameter

(D) Unrhyming iambic hexameter

Answer: A

16. ‘Gestalt’ theory of literature considers text as :

(A) a structure of metaphors

(B) a unified whole

(C) an experimentation in form

(D) construction of history

Answer: B

17. Margaret Laurence is a novelist from :

(A) Australia

(B) The U.S.A.

(C) Canada

(D) Britain

Answer: C

18.Sartor Resartus is a text by :


(B) Arnold

(C) Carlyle

(D) Burke

Answer: C

19. Who of the following is not a university wit ?


(B) Robert Greene

(C) Kyd

(D) Marlowe

Answer: A

20. Bosola is a character in a play by :

(A)Ben Jonson

(B) Webster

(C) Christopher Marlowe

(D) Thomas Middleton

Answer: B

21. ‘Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven’. This occurs in a poem by :

(A) William Wordsworth

(B) S. T. Coleridge

(C) Byron

(D) Shelley

Answer: A

22. A Dance of the Forest is written by :

(A) Margaret Atwood

(B) Nadine Gordimer

(C) Chinua Achebe

(D) Wole Soyinka

Answer: D

23. The first Canadian poet is :

(A) Charles Sangster

(B) Oliver Goldsmith

(C) Charles Heavysege

(D) Alexander Machlachlan

Answer: A

24. Heroic quatrain is :

(A) a stanza in blank verse

(B) eight line stanza in iambic hexameter

(C) four line stanza in iambic pentameter

(D) six line stanza in iambic pentameter

Answer: C

25. ‘Bildungsroman’ translated literally means :

(A) Development novel

(B) Psychological novel

(C) Autobiographical novel

(D) Campus novel

Answer: A

26.A book that faithfully renders a young man’s confused images of love and rejection is :

(A) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man

(B) Lucky Jim

(C) Daisy Miller

(D) The brave New World

Answer: A

27. Victorian Age witnessed a clash between :

(A) faith and reason

(B) tradition and modernity

(C) oriental and occidental civilization

(D) romanticism and neo romanticism

Answer: A

28. “For gold in Physique is Cordial/Therefore, he loved gold in special” relates to Chaucer”s

(A) Friar

(B) Monk

(C) Doctor

(D) Pardoner

Answer: C

29. The historical novel began in ;

(A)Restoration Period

(B) Augustan Age

(C) Victorian Period

(D) Romantic Period

Answer: D

30. The term ‘Campus novel’ is associated with :

(A) Graham Green

(B) Kingsley Amis

(C) Margaret Drabble

(D) William Golding

Answer: B

31. Which of the following author-book pair is correctly matched ?

(A) Hard Times – George Eliot

(B) Heroes and Hero Worship – Walter Patar

(C) Sourab and Rustom – Matthew Arnold

(D) Ethics of the Dust- Macaulay

Answer: C

32. The title of William Faulkner’s The Sound and Fury is derived from a play by :

(A) William Shakespeare

(B) Christopher Marlow

(C) John Webster

(D) Ben Jonson

Answer: A

33. The new humanism school of philosophy and literary criticism was popular in America during :


(B) 1910-1930



Answer: B

34.Internal rhyme is :

(A) the basic rhythmic structure of a poem

(B) rhyming of two words in alternative lines

(C) rhyming of two or more words in the same line of poetry

(D) all the lines of a poem ending with the same line pattern

Answer: C

35. The macabre element in drama was introduced by :

(A) John Lyly

(B) Marlow

(C)Ben Jonson

(D)John Webster

Answer: D

36. The line “I am no Prince Hamlet nor was meant to be…….” appears in T. S. Eliot’s

(A) Gerontion

(B) The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock

(C) Four Quartets

(D) The Waste-Land

Answer: B

37. ‘Fancy’ deals with :

(A) Fixities and definities

(B) Imagination and Reason

(C) Judgement and Memory

(D) Structure and Superstructure

Answer: A

38. Swift’s Modest proposal is written in the form of a :

(A) Project in political economy Social Satire

(B) Political allegory

(C) Social Satire

(D) Old-Testament history

Answer: C

39. The main idea of Pope’s The Dunciad was taken from :

(A) Absalom and Achitophel

(B) Mac-Flecknoe

(C) The Medal

(D) An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot

Answer: B

40. Which of the following is not a Browning’s work ?

(A) Dramatic Lyrics Men and Women

(B) Dramatic Personae

(C) Men and Women

(D) The Palace of Art

Answer: D

41. The most obvious feature of Johnson’s The Lives of the Poets is the equipoise between :

(A) Language and form

(B) Style and content

(C) Biography and criticism

(D) Myth and archetype

Answer: C

42. “The Kelson of creation is love”. The line occurs in Walt Whitman’s :

(A) Paumonak

(B) Passage to India

(C) O Captain, My Captain

(D) Song of Myself

Answer: D

43. With whom was Dr. Johnson intimately associated in his personal life ?

(A) Boswell

(B) Dryden

(C) Alexander Pope

(D) Lord Bolingbroke

Answer: A

44. The early religious drama is associated with :

(A) Superstitions and beliefs

(B) Mysteries and histories

(C) Interludes and mysteries

(D) Miracles and morality

Answer: D

45. The Tale of Two Cities has :

(A) a sentimental buffoon with a moral purpose

(B) a courageous lady in pain

(C) an optimist on verge of collapse

(D) a romantic hero with a weakness

Answer: B

46. Sheridan’s first play was :

(A) The Rivals

(B) School for Scandal

(C) St. Patrick’s Day

(D) A Trip to Scarborough

Answer: A

47. Anti-sentimental comedy is a criticism of :

(A) loss of moral purpose

(B) excess of emotion

(C) excess of reason

(D) loss of human feelings

Answer: B

48. Which of the following novel-novelist pair is correctly matched ?

(A) Bhabani Bhattacharya – All About H. Hatter

(B) Nayantara Sahgal – Cry, the Peacock

(C) Bhagwandas Gidwani – A Bend in the Ganges

(D) Arun Joshi – The Apprentice

Answer: D

49. The Indian English poet who addressed the question ‘of time’ in his poetry is :

(A) Nissim Ezeikel

(B) R. Parthsarathy

(C) A.K. Ramanujan

(D) Gieve Patel

Answer: B

50. Symbolist movement was influenced by :

(A) Poetic theory of Edgar Allan Poe

(B) Stephane Mallarme’s Poetry

(C) Prose of Emerson

(D) Ezra Pound’s Cantos

Answer: B

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